5 common SEO copywriting rules for 2023

SEO copywriting rules

Last Updated on January 17, 2024 by Umer Malik

Content writing has been one of the most important elements of marketing for ages, no matter what your business or industry is. But recently, this industry has seen exponential growth in one of its aspects, SEO.

SEO is defined as researching and using keywords that make your content or your website rank among the top websites on google. This has become increasingly important because according to a statistics report of 2021, 93% of searches, whether it’s about a product or service, begin with a search engine like Google or Bing.

However, it should not be forgotten that just tweaking content with SEO, is not going to attract you organic followers. Nobody likes to follow websites that provide mediocre, lifeless content.

Your content should contain valuable stuff that helps solve problems of your target audience. It should hook your audience to read until the end and only then, you’ll be able to use the full potential of SEO.

Now, let’s understand some important SEO copywriting rules you need to know in 2022, because the competition is going to be huge, and I’m sure, you want to make a difference.

Let’s begin.

1. Use keyword intent

You can spend days researching, writing content that will provide value to people, but if you can’t get people to read them, it’s of no use. That is why you need to use relevant keywords in your content. Let me repeat, not just keywords, “relevant” keywords.

For instance, if your article is always finding the right size of clothes, you cannot put keywords relating to supply chains. That is not going to get any reader hooked to your content and all your time and energy would be wasted.

So, how do you find these keywords?

Honestly, there’s not a correct procedure for this, but what you can do is, read similar posts on the internet, and analyse what type of content people are looking forward to.

Use them as a reference and then create outlines of your content.

You’ll be surprised to see what difference it makes.

2. Speak your audience’s language

I agree that using heavy words makes the content sound very authentic and informational, but if your audience doesn’t understand it, then even the most valuable post will not receive the traffic it deserves. In order to avoid this, always, always use the language of your target audience. By that I mean, research what qualities people are looking for when they are searching for a new product.

You can also use different SEO copywriting tools for this purpose. They come in very handy in terms of keywords requirements.

3. Catch the attention with headlines

There are thousands and hundreds of brands around the world, who have similar websites, and are posting similar types of content just like you. So, what makes your website content different? The answer is simple: interesting headlines. The best way to do this is by making an emotional connection with your audience.

For instance, if you write, “fight your dental problems with our XYZ toothbrush” instead of “this XYZ toothbrush is useful for your teeth ”, you will get more engagement on your blog. Because that’s what people are searching for.

Try to mimic phrases that people are talking and it will definitely help your content stand out of the crowd.

4. Write content that works for you

If you think that since its 2022, nobody is going to read long-form content, then you are wrong.

Certain content needs long-form writing and that is completely okay. Because that allows you to put relevant sub-contents in the main content as well. This also means that you will be able to include more keywords, which will increase your chances of ranking higher.

But if your content requires short-form writing, then don’t extend it. Short and crisp content can also create a lot of engagement, which will indirectly help your content attract more organic traffic.

5. Don’t stuff keywords

Finally, don’t overuse keywords. SEO is not about technical manipulations of your content. If you try to put in all the keywords, and your content doesn’t make sense, no reader will spend his/her time on it. After all, SEO is just a tool, not a magical wand.

Over to you…

With these tips, I am sure you know enough to kickstart your SEO journey. So, are you ready to take your copywriting skills to the next level?

Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about How Long Does It Take For SEO to Work then visit our Technology category.