A guide to buying building blocks for toddlers

A guide to buying building blocks for toddlers

Last Updated on March 8, 2022 by

Are you thinking of giving your little one an educational and entertaining toy that will help them develop all their skills? Building blocks for toddlers is the classic game that never goes out of style and offers hours and hours of fun.

In addition, over the years the possibilities have increased and there is currently a wide range of blocks for toddlers made of wood, hard plastic, magnetic, cardboard, etc. on the market. So, to help you find the right set, in this article, we list some tips and tricks to choose blocks for your kids.

Types of building blocks for toddlers

Plastic: Without a doubt, plastic educational blocks for children are the most common, and multiple brands are dedicated to marketing them with a wide variety of lines and themes with pieces of different shapes and colors.

Wooden: On the other hand, wooden building blocks are a classic that never goes out of style and that stands out for their great durability and resistance.

Magnetic: If you are looking for a different toy to give as a gift, one of the most colorful and popular options is the construction pieces for children with magnets. And it is that for the little ones it is very fun to build all kinds of figures and magnetic blocks for toddlers. In addition, their prices are usually very cheap.

Cardboard: they are considered eco-friendly blocks for toddlers, several brands sell cardboard building block sets. Among the most outstanding is the GIGI Bloks.

Tips for choosing the best set of blocks for toddlers

Recommended age: One of the first things you have to keep in mind is the age of the child who is going to receive the toy. All manufacturers include the recommended age or a range with years on the box, so you must follow the indications.

Materials:  Another point to consider is the type of material with which each building block in the set is made. Although they are all resistant, safe, and quite affordable for all budgets, it is possible to choose between toys with plastic, wooden, magnetic, cardboard, and even clay building blocks. It all depends on the tastes and preferences of both children and parents.

The number of pieces:  Without a doubt, a fundamental characteristic is the number of pieces or building blocks that are included in the set. 

Construction possibilities:  Together with the previous point, depending on the number of pieces that the set has, the construction possibilities can be much greater. Also, sets from the same brand are usually always compatible, and some manufacturers sell building blocks that match lego or Mega Bloks pieces. You will enjoy watching your kids play with building blocks for hours!

Budget:  As usual, the budget you plan to invest in is also an aspect that you will have to take into account. The best thing is that you first filter the toys by their price and then start the search only with the sets that fit within your possibilities. In this way, you will avoid looking at very expensive sets.

To finish this small list, a brand that is well known for cardboard blocks for toddlers and that has very good ratings is GIGI Bloks. However, many of their building block toys are not made of plastic, wood, or magnetic but are made of cardboard and are very large in size eco friendly.

And if you are looking for an online sales platform, GIGI Bloks undoubtedly ranks number one on the list since its catalog of sets, and parts to assemble toys is really large. In addition, this giant stands out for the speed of its shipments, the good after-sales service and there is no problem in returning any type of game.

Read More: Why toy blocks can be a value-added addition in your child’s toy collection