7 Essential Style Tips for Women to Remember

7 Essential Style Tips for Women to Remember

Last Updated on August 16, 2022 by rida

Did you know that the average American owns seven pairs of jeans? That’s a reasonable number for a ranch worker, a model for Levi’s, or a Wrangler salesperson but far too many for the everyday woman.

People who are stuck in a rut with their style often fall back on old favorites but end up feeling even frumpier.

If you want to learn how to be fashionable, you need to learn all the style tips for women you can and create a vibrant and varied wardrobe. Because liking your appearance can help boost your self-esteem, self-confidence, and help you walk a little taller.

Read on for some top fashion tips on how to be stylish and love how you look in the mirror.

1. Create a Capsule Wardrobe

Start your style overhaul by creating a capsule wardrobe. A capsule wardrobe is a group of around 20-30 timeless items of clothing that you can mix and match to create new looks. They should be in complementary colors and include shoes, jackets, tops, bottoms, and accessories.

Here are some examples of what you can include in your capsule wardrobe:

  • Trench coat
  • Leather or denim jacket
  • Cotton hoodie or sweater
  • Wool sweater or cardigan
  • Little black dress
  • White sundress
  • Black trousers
  • Blue skinny jeans
  • Crisp white shirt
  • Plain crew neck t-shirts
  • Small black handbag
  • Large tote bag
  • Comfortable heels
  • Ankle boots
  • Everyday sneakers
  • Black belt

Your capsule wardrobe should be workable for different seasons and events.

And the items in your wardrobe will not only work well together. You can team these items with a new fashionable, daring piece to keep things interesting.

2. Shop Second Hand and Thrift

Many assume that to be stylish and on-trend, you need to shop in malls and head straight to the “new arrivals” section when online shopping. But that’s not true!

So many women’s fashion trends will come back around. Right now, fashion from the seventies and nineties are “in”. So, you will be able to find all the best stylish pieces in thrift stores and second-hand sites like Depop or Vinted.

Plus buying more affordable items like new wholesale clothing means you will be able to expand your wardrobe and mix up your style more, too.

3. Find Your Personal Style

Following fashion trends is great if that’s what you want to do and it can be fun for some people. But one of the most important style tips for women is to find your own signature style that will serve you for years.

Your personal style is the way you choose to express yourself to the world in a way that feels good to you. It transcends fashion and trends. Knowing your personal style will also help you create coherent looks and choose items of clothing in the future.

Not sure what your personal style is? Flick through a celebrity magazine and take a note of people whose styles you like. Dakota Johnson, Reese Witherspoon, and Regina King are all very stylish women but their styles are so different.

Then, you can Google them and use their clothes as a jumping-off point for your own wardrobe.

4. Only Wear (And Own) Clothes That Fit Now

It’s a bad habit that many women, as their bodies change, cling onto clothes from their youth in the desperate hope they will fit them again one day.

Or, after losing a lot of weight, they will keep their bigger clothes in case they need them again.

It’s unhealthy (not to mention takes up a lot of space!) to keep clothes that no longer fit you. Go through your wardrobe, try on all your clothes, and donate anything too big or small. This gives you more room for clothes you can actually wear and more choice to create gorgeous outfits.

5. Choose Comfortable and Flattering Clothes

Wearing daring and exciting clothes is great. But, wearing comfortable and flattering clothes for your body type is far more important.

Don’t wear any piece of clothing where nip slips or flashing your behind to people walking behind you is a possibility! If you need to keep pulling your clothes up and down throughout the day, it isn’t a quality piece of clothing.

Balance out your body by wearing tight-fitting jeans on your bottom half and an oversized, comfy sweater on your top half. Or, choose a fitted blouse on top and a pair of wide-leg paper bag pants. This styling technique is flattering for most body types.

6. Don’t Forget About Grooming

Your clothes are only one element of your style. Your hair, nails, and makeup are also part of your personal style.

No matter your hairstyle, make sure you book regular trips to your salon. Get a haircut every four weeks if you have a short style and every eight to 12 weeks if you have a longer style.

Keep your hair and nails neat and don’t be afraid to ask your manicurist for a color other than nude pink the next time you go.

7. Plan Your Outfits the Night Before

It is so much easier to look professional, stylish, and put together when you plan your outfits in advance. Check the weather and your calendar the night before and plan your next look based on this information.

Having the time and headspace to plan an outfit will ensure you don’t stick to tried-and-tested outfits. Running late to the office won’t be an excuse for boring, unstylish looks anymore!

Be Fashion Forward With These Style Tips for Women

Having great style isn’t always about being fashionable. But now that you know more about style after learning these style tips for women, you will find it easier to incorporate trends into your wardrobe.

But you will be able to do it in a sustainable way that always keeps you looking your best.

Overhauling your look and want to learn about the latest fashion trends and beauty tips? Browse our website for tons of useful guides and helpful advice!