Getting a Haircut With a New Stylist: What to Expect

Getting a Haircut

Last Updated on June 19, 2023 by

Whether you’re moving, your stylist has retired, or you’re not happy with your current hair salon, it could be time to find a new location to get your hair done. Whatever your reason for finding a new salon is, you shouldn’t have to dread getting a haircut. Luckily, there are easy ways to make your next hair appointment a breeze.

If you’re not sure what to expect when switching shops, keep reading to help you prepare for your first appointment.

Finding a New Stylist

Before you go to your appointment, you’ll have to find a reliable stylist. Be sure to keep an open mind and do your research before scheduling.

Some things to consider when looking for barber shops for men or hair salons are their availability, proximity to your home, price, and reviews. You may also want to view a portfolio of their work!

When looking at online customer reviews, be sure to thoroughly read through them. Similarly, don’t let one disgruntled customer deter you from a 5-star salon!

Scheduling and Consultation

After you find a hair stylist, you’ll then need to schedule. While some locations may offer online booking, many still require a phone call to book.

Be sure to keep your calendar on hand to limit accidentally overbooking a day. A last-minute cancelation due to improper planning can negatively impact a stylist’s income. However, emergencies happen!

Before your appointment, you may want to schedule a quick consultation with your stylist. This is great for big, drastic changes. At this meeting, you can ask about practicality, approximately how long it will take, and the price.

Appointment Day

When it comes time for the day of your appointment, be sure to show up on time! This ensures your stylist can stay on schedule and give you plenty of attention when styling your hair.

Also, be sure to bring a reference photo. While you say you want caramel highlights, you could be thinking of a different shade of brown than your stylist. This can help avoid confusion and give you the best result.

Similarly, some shops may have a “barbers wanted” sign in the window. This could mean they are short a person, so be patient if your appointment time is delayed. Everyone is trying their best!

Getting a Haircut Doesn’t Have to Be a Hassle

If you’re in a new city or have a big event coming up, don’t let your hair suffer as a result! Be sure to be prepared when seeing a new stylist to help make your first appointment easy.

Don’t forget to be kind to your stylist! Many hairdressers are great at what they do. Cutting hair is not an easy job. While it’s not required, leaving a tip for your stylist is always a kind and appreciated gesture.

Did you find this guide to getting a haircut helpful? If so, be sure to check out the rest of our website for more great lifestyle tips and tricks.

Read More: Popular haircuts and hairstyles for boys

Apart from that, if you are interested to know about Safe Hair Cutting for Toddlers then visit our Fashion category.