The Guide of Plyo Box for Box Jumps


Last Updated on March 12, 2024 by admin

Plyometrics Build Strength and Power

When people think of jumping, hopping, and skipping, you may start your imagination if you’re an “old school” plyo trainer. But barely none of our youngsters think of box jumps as a great exercise for strength training. Only adults or someone who has done some experienced training research would add those basic movement skills into their hardcore or training schedule. This kind of exercise is called plyometric exercise. Typically, this exercise, combined with force and speed, is one of the most efficient exercises for building muscle power. 


  • What is a Plyo Jumping Box?
  • How to Choose a Plyo Box?
  • Are plyometric exercises suitable for weight loss?
  • Is it suitable for me to do plyo exercises every day? 
  • 6 Plyo Box Exercises 
  • At the Bottom Line 

What is a Plyo Jumping Box? 

A plyometric box, also known as a plyo or jumping box, is a piece of good training equipment for plyometric exercises such as hardcore building, speed training, etc. One thing you need to know about plyo boxes: plyo boxes are a great addition to your home gym workout and your normal training program.

Working with a plyo box is a type of plyometric activity in which your muscles rapidly extend before instantly contracting. This motion increases muscular tension, which releases stored energy in the muscle and improves your leaping power.

How to Choose a Plyo Box?

You can start with 16″ in height. This is a suitable height for novices and is a good choice to buy a foam material for your first time. It can prevent you from being hurt when you’re not an experienced strength trainer. Once experienced and confident working with plyo boxes, you may raise the height to a conventional 24 or 30-inch box. If you adapt to this exercise, you can change the plyo box into wood or some more sturdy material.

For novices, we advise a 3-in-1 plyo foam box, which can easily adjust the suitable height and be a great protector of your training. Look for PLYO boxes with the highest durability possible since this will increase your stability and safety when using the box. Boxes should also have an impact-absorbing foam interior layer to protect users from damage.

Are plyometric exercises suitable for weight loss?

Yes, the plyo box can help you lose weight as part of a sensible exercise program when you maintain a reasonable but relatively high heart rate during exercise and increase your breathing efficiency. Weight-bearing exercises are intense and use the entire body to activate most muscle groups. Training with a plyo box can increase muscle strength and body control, allowing you to have better muscle tone scales.

Is it suitable for me to do plyo exercises every day? 

We recommend you exercise with a plyo box 1-2 times weekly. If you’re a beginner, it is important to ease the plyometric training into your program. Otherwise, you’re a conditioned athlete. Plyo box training is a high-intensity exercise. You can combine this with low-weight training workouts and make them more efficient.

6 Plyo Box Exercises 

We will put forward some plyo box exercises you can do in your home gym and get fit in a better healthy lifestyle. If you’re still interested in the diet plan, you can browse Diet Plan for Bodybuilders: What to Eat and Avoid. See the plyo box exercises below: 

1. Box Step-ups

  • Place one foot on top of the box and one foot on the ground to complete the step-up.
  • Your weight should be moved into the box-side heel of your foot.
  • Driving through that front heel, stretch your leg straight before stepping onto the box with the opposing foot.
  • A moderate descent is essential to appropriately load the joints and educate your body on optimal alignment while targeting the right muscles for the workout.

2. Box push ups

  • Start with your left and right hands on two boxes of medium height.
  • Perform a push-up by lowering your chest until your shoulder blades are locked.
  • Return to the start position.

3. Box calf raises

  • Stand with your feet slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart.
  • Adjust your foot, so both heels are off the box. Shift weight to the balls of your feet.
  • Rise to your tiptoes.
  • Hold it for 2 seconds at the top.
  • Then, lower down until the heel is below box height.
  • Hold the stretch for 2 seconds, then drive back up to your tiptoes.
  • That’s one rep
  • Perform 20 repetitions.

4. Box dips

  • Place your hands on the box’s edge, shoulder-width apart, fingers pointing toward your body, facing away from the box.
  • Step out your feet till your legs are straight. Lift your buttocks off the box and lean into your heels.
  • Bend your arms, so your entire body drops toward the ground, keeping your elbows close to your torso. Continue until your shoulders and elbows are in line.
  • Return to the beginning by pressing your palms into the box.
  • That is one repetition.
  • Perform 10 repetitions. If it seems too simple, try 20 reps. 

5. Burpee box jumps

  • Stand 2 feet away from the box, with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Put your hands on the ground.
  • Return your feet to the plank posture. Then drop your entire body to the floor. Let go of your hands.
  • Replace your hands and push up off the floor. Put your feet beneath your hands and jump.
  • Return to a standing position, feet under your hips. That equals one burpee.
  • Now, leap on the box and land lightly with both feet on it.
  • Step down or hop out of the box.
  • That is one repetition.
  • To develop cardiovascular endurance, aim for 20 reps.

6. Depth jump plus jump

  • Begin by standing up on the box.
  • Take your dominant foot off the bench. (Note: This should be a step, not a leap.)
  • Land with both feet on the ground at the same moment.
  • As soon as you touch down, blast vertically as high as possible.
  • Push your hips back and bend your knees to absorb the landing’s force.
  • That is one repetition.
  • Perform 10 repetitions in total, resting as required. This movement is about quality, not about speed.

At the Bottom Line 

You can use any number of plyo boxes. Beginners should start with a lesser height, but as your expertise grows, you may incorporate additional plyo boxes into your workout. Major Lutie plyo boxes are intended to allow users a wide range of height combinations for the best plyo box workout.