5 exciting features of diablo 2 resurrected

5 exciting features of diablo 2 resurrected

Last Updated on January 29, 2022 by

Diablo 2 was a video game that was originally launched in 2000 by Blizzard Entertainment. It was a role playing video game that became immensely popular amongthe crowd back then. Twenty years hence, Blizzard entertainment surprised their audience by launching a remaster of the same game by the name of Diablo 2: Resurrected. This game is a welcome blast from the past for the people who enjoyed playing the Diablo series. Although much about the game is similar to Diablo 2, there are certain interesting features that have been introduced to the new version which are worth appreciating.

Shard Item Stashes

This new feature in Diablo 2: Resurrected has got a happy nod of approval from its fans. Previously, in Diablo 2, the players had to create accounts just to transfer items between their own characters. This was cumbersome but was very frequently done by the players who played Diablo 2. The developers took note of this and changed this in the new version of the game. They have introduced a shared stash system in Diablo2: Resurrected, a feature that will allow the players to exchange items among their characters without any hassle.

Increased stash size

Along with the ability to share item between their characters, the players of Diablo 2: Resurrected will also be able to enjoy and increased stash size. In Diablo 2, the players had to undergo countless hoops to keep their items because the stash size could not accommodate the huge amount of the loot. But Diablo 2: Resurrected will have 10×10 stashes that are enough to accommodate the loot through the gameplay. In total, the players will have 300 slots of space in the shared stash system.

3D graphics

One of the most noticeable features introduced by Blizzards in Diablo 2: Resurrected is the 3D graphics. This has enhanced the visuals of the game and the player experience as well. The quality of graphics along with the improved colour palette of Diablo 2: resurrected is so good that it will want you to play the game for long hours. Using Diablo 2 resurrected boosting services you can get ahead in the game faster. The visuals of this remaster are truly a treat to the eyes.

Cross Progression

The major highlight of Diablo 2 Resurrected is that this game is being released across several platforms such as Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4,  Xbox One, and Xbox Series X, Series S, Microsoft Windows and PlayStation 5. Apart from this, the game will have a cross-progression feature on all platforms. This means that if you’re switching to a new platform then you won’t have to start the game all over again. You can start from where you left.

Toggle between new and old

Another masterstroke by Blizzard with Diablo 2 Resurrected is that it allows the players to switch between the new version and the old version of the game seamlessly. If you’re someone who liked the Diablo 2 version, you can still play Diablo 2 Resurrected in the original 2D form with just once click of a button.