A Brief Guide To Keyword Research For Beginners

Questions About HVAC SEO Services

Last Updated on March 22, 2024 by Nasir Hanif

Keyword research is an art in the world of SEO, that can either make or break your game. Keywords are an integral part of the optimization process and can prove to be tricky. Even though there is no set format or technique to pick and choose the right keywords, making it possible for viewers to find you in a heartbeat- there some tried and tested strategies that beginners can explore to get desired SEO results.

Why Is Keyword Research Important?

You might wonder why people put so much effort into looking at possible combination of words and phrases, when they can just ask their viewers directly?

This question has a two-fold answer:

  1. Trends, like current affairs, change so rapidly (sometimes within the course of a single day) and need to be followed religiously, updates and all.
  2. Keyword research acts as a prediction tool for the viewer, who might be looking for something vaguely, but finds direction with a little nudge from the SEO.

Keyword research acts as a treadmill, or a conveyor belt for optimization- giving advantage to both the search engine, as well as the online business.

Some strategies and tips regarding keyword research as a beginner that you must remember are given below.

Number 1: Compile A List Of Related Words

They say that the first step should always be the simplest. The easiest way to find out keywords is to note down related words to your business and industry. For instance, if you have a show business, write down related words like footwear, running shoes, men’s shoes, men’s footwear, women’s shoes, women’s footwear, etc. This compiled list will be the most generic words that are used to search for your business.

Number 2: Take Some Help From Search Engines

Search engines like Google have powerful predictability tools that autofill your query for you, while you are typing your search statement. Use this tool to take down additional related keywords. Because this feature is based on the most frequent words searched by the viewers on Google, it makes sense that all these related and connected words and phrases are popularly searched by consumers. It adds more depth and complexity to your simple related vocabulary of keywords.

Number 3: Use Professional Tools

There are plenty of professionally available keyword generator tools available for SEOs online. It works on the relativity principle and makes keyword suggestions based on the base word that you input. For instance, if you input ‘Books’ as the seed word, a professional keyword generator like Google Search Console will return keywords like ‘fiction books’, ‘non-fiction books’, ‘self-help books’, etc.

Number 4: Verify And Diversify Your Search Volume

Search volume refers to the number of times a keyword is searched for on the internet. Short (or short-tailed) keywords are generic and are used frequently by consumers. Long-tailed keywords, on the other hand, are phrases that might not gather too much search volume at once. Nevertheless, they are most accurate and specific, making your search results more valuable. Put in a combination of both short and long-tailed keywords to diversify and attract, and rank better on the search results page.

Keyword research is a crucial part of the optimization process and is an integral part of website design and development. Even though it might seem complicated, beginners can be rest assured that it isn’t too complicated and usually gets better with experience.