Award Winning Tech Industry Leader, Chandra Shukla

Chandra Shukla

Last Updated on September 30, 2023 by

When listing names of influential people in the tech industry, you would likely jump to people like Larry Page, the founder of Google, or Bill Gates, the creator of Windows. Even people like Erika Voss, the Capital One Software developer come to mind. However, these faces and names are familiarly associated with their work in the foreground of these companies. Oftentimes, there are back channels and important people working behind the scenes in the tech industry that are often left unknown. Chandra Shukla is one of the tech industry’s best kept secrets. As an expert in creating digital products and methods for improving the efficiency of enterprises by using technologies from multiple disciplines, Shukla holds a Masters degree from the College of Engineering, University of Michigan. He has gone on to win multiple awards and titles within the tech industry, and has made a name for himself as a Michigan Engineering Alumni Board Member between the years 2020 to 2024. 

Chandra Shukla is also an elected charter Member of The Indus Entrepreneur (TiE) group in New York, as of November 2019. This charter membership is exclusively given to high profile entrepreneurs who find great success in their field. This membership exists by invitation only and is selected after a few days of vigorous internal peer review. 

After being elected as Senator of the World Business Angel Investment Forum (WBAF) in 2020, Shukla was selected by a board of tech personnel as being a person of high influence within the industry and was invited to lead the startup committee for global venture capital funds. 

Shukla was also elected to the Board of Directors IIT BHU Global Alumni Association, where he served until 2021. He led the committee for selection of distinguished alumni awards, recipients of which have been individuals who are highly accomplished in the science and technology or entrepreneurship domains.

Chandra Shukla is a Co Founder of Market Krystal, a company that tracks emerging market/technology across chemicals, materials, metals & ceramics among other industry value chains. They publish reports on a continuous basis and deliver true and meaningful business stories based on the integrated power of problem-solving skills, research coverage, and domain expertise.

“When we see around us,” starts Chandra, “we see a lot of inefficiencies in almost everything. An interesting part of the solution is that there is no single fixed tool or technology that can address it all. We need an interdisciplinary technology-based solution to address the issue of inefficiency, which is what I bring to the world.” 

So far Chandra has worked with leading financial services firms in New York and delivered efficiency solutions by utilizing tools and technologies from multiple domains.  His solutions have worked out well in multiple other sectors like Energy, Engineering etc before. 

This tech mogul is focused on his tasks and aims to get the best results. His perseverance, focus, and never give up attitude is unparalleled in the industry. 

Apart from that, if you are interested to know about Hemanth Kumar then visit our Lifestyle category.