The Silent Revolution in Logistics


Last Updated on July 22, 2024 by Nasir Hanif

According to Allied Market Research, in 2022, the worldwide logistics market stood at a value of $9,833.8 billion. By 2032, it’s anticipated to escalate to $16,794.7 billion, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.6% spanning from 2023 to 2032. This massive and ever-expanding industry is experiencing a silent revolution: major changes that most individuals outside the industry are unaware of.

More and more organizations are turning to the revolutionary tech startup, a leader in logistics optimization. Major companies such as FedEx, Verizon, UberEats, Dominos, and more trust to streamline their delivery processes.

As e-commerce booms and customers demand quicker and more precise deliveries, there’s an acute need for innovation in the last-mile delivery segment., with its cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology, has stepped up to this challenge, offering solutions that address inefficiencies and pain points in the delivery pipeline. The platform’s use of geospatial data, real-time route optimization, and dynamic delivery predictions has made it a preferred choice for businesses seeking to enhance their logistics operations.

This startup’s commitment to continuous innovation, paired with its deep understanding of the evolving logistics landscape, positions at the forefront of shaping the future of delivery services. And none of it would be possible without Sandeep Singh, the company’s Head of Applied AI/Computer Vision (Chief Data Scientist).

From Silicon Valley to International Conferences

Sandeep Singh’s remarkable journey that has taken him from Silicon Valley’s robust tech community to gracing global stages at international conferences. His prowess in the AI domain spans more than 18 years, as he has worked diligently in the tech industry, having acquired specialized training from Georgia Tech. 

Sandeep is a consistent force of innovation. He developed deep learning models for detecting parking lots in satellite images using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). He trained these models on a vast dataset of satellite imagery, sourced from platforms like Google Maps and OpenStreetMap. Via transfer learning, a technique where knowledge from one domain is applied to another, Singh trained the models on extensive natural image datasets, such as ImageNet, allowing them to recognize general image features. These models achieved a 95% accuracy rate on a separate test dataset, excelling in identifying parking lots. Hosted on a cloud platform, Singh’s models can process large volumes of imagery in real-time, offering applications like real-time parking availability maps and traffic optimization.

In his position at, he leads a battalion of data scientists and engineers who construct and deploy intricate deep learning models. These models have a particular focus on applications relating to satellite imagery and intricate map data, a niche that has been largely untapped and is now synonymous with Sandeep’s expertise.

The Quantum Leap in Last-Mile Delivery

“Last-mile delivery has long been a thorn in the logistics sector’s side,” Sandeep shares. “The intricate nuances of this segment, from navigating complex urban terrains to ensuring timely delivery, pose significant challenges.” He reveals that at, he has helped to introduce innovations that employ AI-driven technologies to streamline these challenges.

Statistics Speak Louder than Words

As of current estimates, 5% of all US packages delivered receive assistance from’s software. This fact becomes even more staggering when we consider that every AI component in the software bears Sandeep’s signature touch. has optimized over 200 million deliveries. By providing detailed location data, such as the number of floors in a building, access codes, and parking locations, they reduce delivery time by an average of 3 minutes per delivery. These numbers might seem minute on an individual scale, but on a macro level, they translate to significant savings in time and resources for logistics companies.

Leveraging Geospatial Data for Groundbreaking Innovations

Harnessing geospatial data is at the core of’s strategy. The company has effectively used this data to revolutionize delivery routes, especially in complex environments like apartment complexes and university campuses. By offering hyper-accurate location data, enables delivery drivers to reach the nearest drivable point to a building entrance. This not only reduces the time taken per delivery but also ensures that packages reach their intended recipients without unnecessary delays or mishaps.

Economic Impact and Future Visions

“I feel that the strides made by will create a significant economic impact,” says Sandeep. “We’re getting more and more prominent companies using our services – Uber, FedEx, DoorDash, Verizon, just to name a few. So I believe that our company is well-poised for expansive growth.”

Sandeep projects that over the next five years, will become the gold standard for delivery instructions for logistics companies. If this comes to fruition, will significantly assist in the anticipated rise of bot-powered deliveries.

A Visionary’s Perspective on AI

“Success in entrepreneurship is like training a deep learning model,” says Sandeep. “It requires the right data, persistence in tuning, and the wisdom to know when a fresh perspective is needed.”

This echoes the synergy between AI and real-world solutions. Sandeep believes in AI’s transformative power, and emphasizes its potential to innovate various industries and offer solutions to some of the most pressing global challenges.

The silent revolution in logistics, helmed by and visionaries like Sandeep Singh, is an illustration of how AI-driven technologies can reshape industries. As continues to develop and refine its technologies, its imprint on the logistics sector is bound to deepen, paving the way for more efficient, timely, and reliable deliveries. In this era of rapid technological advancements, it’s pioneers like Sandeep and companies like that will lead the charge, shaping the future of logistics.

Apart from that, if you are interested to know about Transformation in supply chain and logistics in the light of AI then visit our Business category.

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