Best Practices For Creating And Managing Multilingual Marketing Content

Multilingual Marketing Content

Last Updated on May 11, 2023 by

The globalization of consumption has altered the planet. With the help of international marketing initiatives, any business—large or small—can now grow its brand’s reach more quickly and efficiently than ever before.

A global marketing campaign must include language as a crucial element of its strategy to engage users everywhere. A multilingual marketing content plan that is effective engages local audiences and increases consumer confidence in a company’s brand. And the only way to achieve this is to create individualized customer experiences pertinent to regional audiences and customize content. It may be wise to hire a seasoned marketing localization company to assist you in going worldwide.

What is multilingual marketing content?

With a multilingual marketing content approach, you can draw in and keep the attention of consumers and end users worldwide who speak various languages.

According to a recent CSA study, 65% of internet users prefer to read content in their language. As a result, companies that don’t translate their content miss out on a sizable portion of the global market.

It’s not only about websites. Strategies for multilingual marketing content should include all forms of material, including blogs, social media postings, newsletters, and eBooks.

But, your material must seem as though it was made just for them if you want to connect with worldwide end users. Sadly, it’s not as simple as it seems. Although translation clarifies your content for target language speakers, it does not adapt it to specific consumers. This is due to the fact that a multilingual marketing content strategy entails more than just word translation.

The most effective multilingual content strategies seek to localize content to adapt it. Localization goes beyond translation by incorporating the end culture, user routines, popular news, traditions, and social standards into the marketing plan. The target audience’s regional accents and linguistic idioms are also considered.

Professional marketing localization services are experts at delivering high-quality translation services within one’s budget and may help you save both time and money.

Best practices for creating and managing multilingual marketing content

1. Make the translation effort centralized

It can be difficult to manage local teams and translation partners, organize translations for many languages, and launch your campaign in multiple regions. For this reason, it makes sense to centralize the project, manage it through your central marketing department, and work with a single translation agency to manage the translations for all markets.

2. Pay attention to market similarities rather than discrepancies

It’s helpful to consider what has cross-market appeal when developing source material that will be translated and localized for international markets and how such characteristics might be used in your marketing plan. Because fewer elements need complete localization, the material will be simpler (and quicker) to translate. Cultural variations necessitate more thorough localization, such as replacing improper or irrelevant imagery for a particular market. Avoid them if at all feasible unless they are necessary for the campaign.

3. Enlist the assistance of regional markets in defining the scope

Early in the project, choose knowledgeable colleagues based in your local markets and ask them to provide their knowledge and expertise. For instance, ask this colleague to assist you to establish the project’s scope before sending your source text to your translation partner. Your campaign may occasionally contain inappropriate components for all markets, which may be changed now to save time and money later.

4. Get the approval of your local market’s colleagues for the translations

To ensure that the messaging, style, and tone are appropriate for their market, arrange for your chosen overseas colleagues to examine and approve the translated versions in addition to your original content. This will help prevent future problems, such as a local marketer rejecting content because it isn’t appropriate for their market or consistent with expectations. 

5. Recognize various translation techniques

It is helpful to understand the various translation techniques utilized and how they affect your multilingual marketing content’s quality, as well as your budget and deadlines. A human editor can swiftly translate some “low impact” content, for instance, user-generated content, using machine translation. Whereas “high impact” information, such as straplines, slogans, and attractive advertising text, often needs to be “transcreated” in order to be as successful as possible in each new market. 

6. Publish regional style guides

Local market-style guides are crucial for a translation project to go smoothly and successfully. They aid in maintaining the global brand’s messaging and style while representing your brand’s identity and cultural preferences in each individual market, according to your translation team. Once more, work together with your local market analysts to acquire priceless information that will assist you to make sure your multilingual marketing initiatives are appealing to local audiences.

7.  Maintain your terminology glossaries

Glossaries are a valuable tool that ensures your material employs accepted and correct language for each market, improves the consistency of your translated content, and saves time. This software keeps authorized translations of words, phrases, and sentences you frequently use. Talk to your translation partner about translation memories and work with local market reviewers to choose the best translation for various terms and concepts to increase subsequent translations’ accuracy, consistency, and speed.  

8. Consider text expansion

The length of sentences usually increases when English text is translated into another language. The space needed for the translation can differ significantly from the original source material if it is intended for markets that use other characters, such as Arabic script. You should take into account the fact that the majority of multilingual marketing content will need about 35% additional room in the initial design and templates to accommodate expansion.

9. Think about the visuals, photos, and design aspects

Certain elements may need to be localized to be relevant and culturally suitable. But, to do so, the images, graphics, symbols, and other elements must be available. Make sure that any design components, such as an image with superimposed text, are not incorporated so that they can be readily localized. If these components must be developed from scratch, project costs may rise.

10. The success of your multilingual marketing activities should be measured and tracked

Last but not least, remember to set up means to monitor the success of your multilingual marketing activities. These insights can be quite helpful for your subsequent project and can also assist you in securing funding for upcoming international marketing initiatives.

Final thought

It takes effort to develop a multilingual marketing content plan. Substantial research and specialist knowledge are needed to create a customized package for several languages with translated content that links brands with worldwide consumers and end-users. Localization and customized global customer experiences are essential to establish trust with your audience and give them the experiences they deserve. Services provided by certified marketing localization agency aid in business expansion in ways that owners could never have anticipated.

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