Marine Battery vs. Car Battery: What Are the Differences?

Marine Battery vs. Car Battery: What Are the Differences?
Mechanic engineer fixing car battery in garage (selective focus).

Last Updated on March 9, 2022 by

Did you know that close to 100 million car batteries are replaced each year in the United States of America? Many people know and understand a car battery, but when it comes to a marine battery vs. car battery they don’t understand the differences. You might wonder to yourself, “What is a marine battery?”

A marine battery and a car battery both serve similar purposes but they go about them in different ways. These batteries are vital for providing the power needed to start and operate a car or a boat. If you’re unsure of which battery to get for your needs then today is your lucky day.

You’ve come to the perfect article to learn more about the differences between a marine battery and a car battery from this handy marine battery guide. Keep reading to learn more.

What Is a Car Battery?

A car battery is a type of battery that is capable of getting recharged. It is an important component of an automobile because it provides the charge needed to start the engine. It also provides electricity for the different electrical components of your car like power windows and power seating.

As soon as you turn the key in the ignition a signal gets sent to your car battery to send electrical energy to the starter in order to get your car started. You’ll need a good battery if you want to keep a combustion engine running on a consistent basis.

Most car batteries are your standard, run-of-the-mill 12-volt lead-acid battery. You’ll need this battery to provide power to your car and to get the combustion engine up and running.

What Is a Marine Battery?

A marine battery is a battery that works in a similar way to a car battery but it is designed to work in different conditions. The most common use for a marine battery is for powering a motorboat. You’ll find that a marine battery provides a great deal more power than your typical car battery will.

That power is needed from marine batteries because most boat motors are high-compression and they need more electrical power in order to crank up and get started. The battery also needs to be more robust in order to handle the vibrations and jarring experience that comes with being on a boat.

The most common way that marine batteries get used on boats is as a power storage device. The battery helps you to start your boat’s engine and it provides power to other electrical aspects of your boat. Accessories like lights and pumps are important and you’ll want to make sure that you have a good marine battery to power them.

You can read more about this product to find out if it is the right fit for your needs.

Differences Between a Marine Battery vs. Car Battery

There are a number of fundamental differences that you need to consider when shopping for a replacement battery. Comparing a marine battery vs. car battery will help you find the perfect fit and provide you with a battery that will stand up to the necessary rigors.

Here is a closer look at the differences that you’ll find between these two types of batteries.


Car batteries have a much different type of construction to them when compared to a marine batteries. They use many thin, porous plates as a way to provide the most exposure possible to the electrolyte. The construction is meant to provide the least resistance possible when creating electrical power for your car to run.

Marine batteries have fewer plates inside of them. The plates that they do have are much thicker than the plates found in a car battery. The majority of marine batteries on the market today operate as deep cycle batteries that are meant to store vast amounts of electrical energy.


There are different ratings that each battery brings to the table and you should know the meanings behind these ratings. Car batteries are often rated by Cold Cranking Amps, which shows the ability of that battery to start a vehicle in freezing temperatures. It is representative of the most energy the battery can sustain for 30 seconds in those frigid conditions.

Marine batteries use a different rating system to determine their strength and power output. Marine batteries are measured using Marine Cranking Amps, which represents the number of amps the battery will produce at 0 degrees Celcius for up to 30 seconds at a time.

It is necessary that marine batteries sustain at least 1.2 volts per cell inside of the battery. Knowing the rating for the battery you’re looking at buying will make picking the right one a breeze.


Another thing to look at when comparing a marine battery vs. car battery is the durability that they each provide. Car batteries get built with a focus on producing cold cranking amps.

The goal of a car battery is to produce as much amperage as possible until the battery is out of juice. They can’t continue producing power unless they have a viable way of recharging.

This is a stark contrast between how they work and how a marine battery works. Deep cycle batteries are designed to work in a way where you can get massive amounts of cranking power out of them for extended periods of time. There is a reason why marine batteries are so prized when it comes to using in boats as well as RVs and camper vans.

They’re a perfect fit for combination with solar panels for a sustainable energy system. You’ll get a much higher level of durability from your marine batteries.

Start Shopping for Your Replacement Batteries Today

Getting replacement batteries is confusing, but knowing the difference between a marine battery vs. car battery will make shopping for a new battery a breeze. A marine battery might seem similar to a car battery on the surface, but car batteries are not as durable and are designed to provide power for only a short period of time. Marine batteries provide power over long periods of time.

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