How do city dwellers try to bring more nature into their lives?

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Last Updated on March 23, 2024 by Aiman Emaan

From Babylon’s Hanging Gardens to Seville’s orange gardens, urban planners throughout history have drawn inspiration from nature. And maybe never before have those of us who live in the concrete and brick jungle cherished bits of green space more than during the covid-19 epidemic. Throughout the world’s cities, residents have discovered parks and gardens to be an unexpected source of peace and pleasure during lockdowns.

This is unsurprising for the increasing number of psychologists and ecologists who research the impact of nature on people’s mental health and well-being. The connections they are establishing are intricate and not completely understood. However, although the epidemic brought them to light, it also revealed how, in an increasingly urbanized society, our access to nature is diminishing – and that the most socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals often confront the greatest obstacles. In the midst of discussion about rebuilding better and bringing nature into cities, there is an apparent win-win-win situation here. Understanding how to properly green the world’s urban areas may improve human well-being, aid in addressing social injustice, and be a benefit for the biodiversity on which we all rely.

1. Use natural elemepnts as décor

Another approach to integrate nature into your house is to decorate using natural things. Consider natural-made or natural-looking storage containers, accessories, and paint colors when designing your interiors. Choose a color scheme that is inspired by a garden or environment that you like. In simple settings, white and grey stone work nicely together. Wooden furniture may be dressed up or down to complement any decor. Taupe, tan, and camel are fashionable beachy neutrals that complement nature-inspired wall coverings and carpets. Include objects made of wood, stone, antlers, branches/stumps, driftwood, pebbles, or other natural textures. Create a tree mural or frame pressed flowers. Purchase wicker baskets for use as storage and shelving.

2. Infuse each area with flora

Increased plant life in your house is an excellent approach to integrate more nature into your life. You can start by making your balcony more comfy for winter by planting pots in autumn. Choose a few easy-to-grow indoor plants. Consider their placement in your house and the amount of sunshine they will get. Make plant care a family activity. Allow your children to choose plants for their bedrooms and to be accountable for them. If you are feeling really daring, try growing an avocado from seed. Adding plants to your house is a wonderful pastime and a fantastic way to engage your children. 

3. Journaling about nature

Nature journaling is an excellent pastime that may be pursued inside or outdoors, with an emphasis on nature’s tiny nuances. Equip yourself with a high-quality notebook, pens, colored pencils, and some paints. Or you could use leftover paper and your children’s crayons! There is no need to be ostentatious. Allow yourself time to sketch nature. You may sketch what you see, replicate a photograph, or draw from memory. If you need more inspiration, take a walk in a forest and jot down every aspect. If you lack the ability to draw, seek out a nature-themed coloring book — there are excellent options for both children and adults. Developing your creativity via this stress-relieving method of expression is an excellent way to reconnect with nature.