Complete Guide to DB Pension Scheme

Complete Guide to DB Pension Scheme

Last Updated on August 27, 2022 by rida

A defined benefit (DB) pension plan enables those working toward retirement to make financial preparations and assure that they will have a comfortable standard of living as they get older. In addition to the State pension, DB plans contribute to a pension fund that aims to preserve a person’s level of living into old age. Occupational pensions come in a variety of flavours, including defined contribution (DC), defined benefit (DB), and hybrid models that combine the best features of both kinds.

What is a DB pension scheme?

When a business establishes a Defined Benefit pension plan for the benefit of its employees, the annual payout that each employee will receive at retirement is predetermined. The amount of pension an employee gets from their pension pot is dependent on the number of years they have worked and the pay they got during that time, and these sorts of pensions are also known as occupational pension plans. As an employee’s pay grows or drops, so does the amount of money they will get in retirement as a result.

New laws in 2016 made it easier for people to move out of DB pension plans from past jobs that they no longer hold to a pension plan that better reflects contemporary working patterns. Enhanced Transfer Value (ETV) is a phrase used to describe the value of your DB pension in today’s dollars when moving from a defined benefit pension.

Should you transfer your DB pension?

Obviously, there are advantages and disadvantages to each option. Here are a few things to keep in mind.


A 25 percent tax-free lump-sum distribution may be available to you when you turn 50. You’re in charge of the investments made with your retirement funds. It’s much simpler to leave your pension to your loved ones if you die away. Your money is safe in the event that the DB’s manager fails to pay back the loan.


Your new role requires greater effort Exit fees may be imposed on certain schemes. It might be difficult to locate competent pension experts. Existing DB benefits will be reduced (such as disability benefits).

Is my pension at risk if my company, which manages the DB plan, runs out of money?

It’s possible that promised benefits will be decreased if the plan’s assets aren’t enough to cover the benefits and the employer is unable to make up the difference. How much it will cost your business to offer that benefit in retirement is not stated under a defined benefit plan. It is your company that bears all of the risk for your retirement benefits if you choose a defined benefit plan. Your company is legally obligated to cover the gap between what they promised you and what is really available in the pension fund.

As a result, defined benefit plans are becoming less frequent in favor of less hazardous defined contribution plans, which put the pension risk onto the employee. Pensioners face a huge problem if their employer is unable to make up the shortfall.

How to Transfer a DB Pension?

The process of leaving a defined benefit pension plan is simple. Transfer my DB pension may be accomplished in three ways:

  • Purchase a buyout bond and transfer the value (most common)
  • To PRSA, transfer the value
  • Transform the value into a whole new strategy.

Before selecting how to transfer your pension, it is essential that you obtain assistance from a financial advisor. You may get a free consultation on your pension transfer by filling out our online form. The reasons why you may need to leave a DB plan are many.

To get the greatest advise on your choices, it’s essential to contact a pension counselor at this stage. It’s possible to retire early with a pension cash-out in certain instances. It’s also worth remembering that if you move out of a defined benefit plan, you may take a tax-free lump sum payout equal to up to 25% of your pension transfer value. Personal Retirement Bond (PRB) or Personal Retirement Savings Account (PRSA) must be used to invest the remaining 75 percent (PRSA). It’s all about customized pension arrangements that give you complete control over your retirement savings.

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