Is It Worth Considering Hands-on Fire Extinguisher Training?

Is It Worth Considering Hands-on Fire Extinguisher Training?

Last Updated on October 15, 2022 by

To ensure that everyone is safe from the risk of a fire starting, companies that have people working with flammable materials on-site need to ensure that their employees are adequately trained and supervised. Fire extinguisher training typically lasts around fifteen minutes and is an effective way for companies to mitigate any potential fires before they get out of control. The most common form of fire extinguisher training for businesses is hands-on training, which can be done by firefighters or independent contractors and includes specific instructions on using the equipment safely.

Businesses that have employees working with flammable materials and the potential for a fire are required by law to provide training and education regarding fire extinguisher use. At least one person performing this task must be trained and approved by their local fire authority. There are two types of training companies can receive, hands-on and classroom-based, with some companies preferring both. Delivery of either type is not strictly regulated, but a few requirements govern course design.

The Hands-on Approach can be More Effective for Staff Training.

The hands-on approach can be more effective in teaching employees how to use fire extinguishers. Some fire departments require that all employees working with flammable materials have hands-on training before they are allowed to operate a fire extinguisher. This is because hands-on training is the most effective way for staff members to understand what the equipment does and how to use it properly.

Safety is Improved with Company Practices

Fire extinguisher training can be done from either a hands-on or classroom-based approach, but most businesses prefer hands-on training over classroom learning. In the event of an unexpected fire, employees who have been trained using hands-on methods will be able to operate the equipment and extinguish the fire much faster than a person working with classroom-based training. The faster a company can reply to an unexpected fire, the more lives it can save.

Training is Relevant to the Workplace

A fire extinguisher is a tool that may be used in various settings, from homes to offices and factories. Factory employees are much more likely to encounter a fire because flammable materials are used for manufacturing. Therefore, factory staff members need to understand the present risks and deal with them. Hands-on training will help them learn how to use the equipment effectively in their workplace.

Fire Authorities validate safety.

Qualifying for hands-on fire extinguisher training can be a time-consuming process. However, once a company qualifies to receive this type of training, it will be easier to work with local fire departments when an emergency strikes. The approval process can also help ensure that the workers are trained correctly and effectively. Having properly trained employees will encourage a company’s local fire department to come to its aid if they ever need assistance during a fire emergency.

The Hands-on Approach is Ideal When Training Worksites

Hands-on fire extinguisher training is ideal for worksites required to use the equipment by their local fire department. These include factories and office buildings which are manufacture or store flammable materials. In these situations, employees must know how to use the equipment effectively without putting themselves in danger.

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a crucial factor when it comes to purchasing fire extinguishers. A company with adequately trained and supervised employees will be more likely to receive positive feedback from its customers. In some cases, companies are required to provide a service that includes hands-on fire extinguisher training to make sure they meet the bestest level of customer expectation.

Cost Savings

In some circumstances, companies can have a fire extinguisher installed on-site by their local fire authority. The cost is typically minimal, but the company may not need to provide hands-on training for employees if this is the case. However, if the training will be done by employees themselves and the equipment is not required for emergencies, it is a good idea to do so anyway.

Impact on Risk Prevention

A study published in the International Journal of Safety and Security Sciences found that companies had a 58% lower fire risk following training. It supports the importance of hands-on fire extinguisher training for employees. Companies who believe their staff members are not capable or responsible enough to promptly handle fire and extinguish it should reconsider how they are trained and supervised.

Companies with employees working with flammable materials must ensure that those individuals are appropriately trained and supervised. The best way is to have their staff members enroll in a hands-on fire extinguisher training course. Then, once qualified by the fire department, the company will work with them should an emergency ever arise. Make sure that you stay focused on the details mentioned to better understand without facing any doubt or query. Want to know more about fire extinguisher training? Read the article on to learn more about it.

Read More: Different Types of Fires and How to Put Them Out