Why You Need A Dedicated Physical Therapy Billing Service | Advanced MD

Why You Need A Dedicated Physical Therapy Billing Service | Advanced MD

Last Updated on March 20, 2022 by

When you’re running a physical therapy business, it’s important to have accurate and efficient billing practices in place. This is why many physical therapists choose to outsource their billing needs to a dedicated physical therapy billing service.

Physical therapy billing services can take care of all your billing needs, from submitting claims and tracking payments to resolving any issues that may arise. They have the experience and expertise necessary to ensure that your billing process runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible. This can help you focus on what you do best – providing physical therapy services to your patients.

Here are the benefits of getting a pt billing service:

Increased Efficiency

A physical therapy billing service can take care of all your billing needs, from submitting claims and tracking payments to resolving any issues that may arise. This can help you focus on what you do best – providing physical therapy services to your patients.

Reduced Costs

By outsourcing your billing needs to a physical therapy billing service, you can save money on staffing and administrative costs.

Enhanced Accuracy

A physical therapy billing service has the experience and expertise necessary to ensure that your billing process is accurate and efficient. This can help reduce the likelihood of errors and missed payments.

Improved Customer Service

A physical therapy billing solution can provide you with excellent customer service, ensuring that you receive the support you need with any billing-related questions or issues.

How do physical therapists maximize billing?

There are a few key things physical therapists can do to maximize their billing potential:

  1. Make sure your billing information is accurate and up-to-date. This includes your contact information, insurance information, and provider number.
  2. Submit claims as quickly as possible – ideally within 30 days of the service date.
  3. Follow up on unpaid claims – physical therapy billing services can help with this, but it’s important to stay on top of things.
  4. Keep track of your payments and revenue – physical therapy billing services can help you do this, but it’s important to have a system in place to ensure that you’re getting paid for the services you provide.

What can be billed in physical therapy billing software?

There are a variety of services that can be billed in physical therapy, including:

  1. Evaluation & Treatment – This includes the evaluation of a patient’s condition and the development of a treatment plan.
  2. Physical Therapy Services – This includes services such as treatment, rehabilitation, and physical conditioning.
  3. Supplies – This includes items such as splints, braces, and crutches.
  4. Equipment – This includes items such as wheelchairs, walkers, and prostheses.
  5. Prescriptions – This includes prescriptions for physical therapy supplies and equipment.
  6. Services of Other Professionals – This includes services provided by other professionals such as chiropractors, massage therapists, and psychologists.
  7. Ancillary Services – This includes services such as X-rays and laboratory tests.
  8. Billing & Administrative Services – This includes services such as billing, collections, and insurance verification.

Where to get therapy billing services?

There are a number of physical therapy billing services available, so it’s important to do your research before choosing one. Make sure to ask for references and read reviews from past clients. You want to be sure you’re getting the best possible service for your money.

Read More: Medical Billing Service Information – Important Tips For Choosing Your Billing Service