Different Flooring Options That Won’t Cost You A Fortune

Different Flooring Options That Won’t Cost You A Fortune
flooring in Castle Hill

Last Updated on July 19, 2023 by

In today’s time, everything is upgraded into a more stylish and modern version. There is hardly anything that hasn’t been so. So if everything is getting an upgraded more modern version, how can flooring be left behind? 

In today’s time, flooring is one of the main criteria to make a house look stylish. It comes in various options like wood, laminate flooring, vinyl, etc. Although there are tons of options, some might be extremely expensive for a common man to purchase. Companies like Floortech offer their expertise to provide service in flooring in Castle Hill.

So what are the different choices of flooring that would not cost a common man at most a fortune? They are mentioned below.

Some Flooring Options that would not cost much

Cork Flooring: 

This type of flooring option is relatively cheap and comfortable for the household. This type of flooring comes in various finishes, colours, and patterns and can even be bought in planks or tiles. This is one type of budget-friendly flooring as cork flooring gives the impression of hardwood flooring, but it is better as it lasts for approximately 15 to 40 years. 

Concrete Flooring: 

Another type of budget-friendly flooring option is concrete flooring. This type of flooring can be used in places like the kitchen, basement etc., by polishing or staining the concrete. This is a relatively economical flooring, with it lasting for approximately 50 to 100 years. 

Laminate Flooring: 

Although similar to wood, this flooring option is cheaper and more economical. Laminate flooring is a type of flooring that is very similar to wood but has more advantages, like durability, cost-effectiveness and easier maintenance. It is also stain resistant, which makes it a great flooring choice for especially big households. This type of flooring lasts approximately 15 to 25 years. 

Linoleum Flooring: 

Another budget-friendly option is Linoleum Flooring. Although it has been around for almost 150 years, it is not very well known. This type of flooring generally comes in sheets or tiles and is scratch-resistant, making it not as durable as laminate. Although great for everyday wear, linoleum flooring can be very hard to install, even more so than vinyl. 

Vinyl Flooring: 

This flooring option is well-known across the market for its durability and water resistance. Vinyl flooring is a great option for areas like bathrooms, kitchens, etc. Like all the other flooring options available in a wide range of patterns and colours. It is also stain resistant but is highly likely to be damaged by extreme heat and sharp objects within only 15 to 25 years of its life. Reputed companies provide their services in flooring in Castle Hill. 


Therefore these were some of the different flooring options that would not cost you a fortune if you buy them. These flooring options are extremely economical and budget-friendly and are available in various stores or companies like Floortech, a company that specialises in flooring.

Apart from this, if you want to know about Timber Flooring Ideas You Should Know Of then please visit our Home Improvement category