Last Updated on March 5, 2023 by

Avery few of you are aware of the fact that documentation of the export can do wonders in executing the process smoothly. To score the desirable marks, students often take marketing management assignment help for documentation. Although documentation writing is not that critical as it seems, you have to have good knowledge of necessary details.
So, wipe your sweat, sit back, and relax. This blog will clear your confusion and answer the queries related to documentation of export. Here are eight documents that you need to have in the documentation of your export.
Table of Contents
So let’s start and go through them:-
Proforma Invoice-
Usually in an international sale, the procedure of import/export begins with the request of the buyer or customer. Instead of a regular standard invoice quotation, you need to provide a proforma invoice. This form will help your customer in many ways like arranging to finance, open a letter of credit, and apply for an export license. A complete proforma invoice looks like a commercial invoice.
Commercial Invoice-
The commercial invoice has all the details of the entire export transaction. Once your buyer accepts the terms on the proforma invoice, you need to prepare the goods as well as all paperwork for export. Along with all the details of goods and transactions, you need to include incoterms of the 2020 rule that you discussed and agreed with your customer, classification of export, export license requirement, letter of credit, or other banking information.
Packaging List-
There is a proper packaging list that you need to attach to your goods. This list should have the following things:-
- It should have all the information to make the bill of the requirement for a letter of credit.
- For a letter of credit, your bank will need details of the list of goods packaged.
Certificate of Origin-
You must add a certificate of origin in the documentation of export. It is essential as many countries need to the origin of the goods, so that appropriate custom duty rates can be imposed.
Shipper’s Letter of instruction-
This is the form (SLI) that will help your freight forwarder to export the goods successfully. It has all the details of the shipment. Also, it will help the forward to act as the owner on your behalf.
Bills of Landing-
The landing bill contains various bills on different routes. These are ocean bill, airways bill, and inland bills.
Dangerous Goods Form-
If your shipment contains goods that are declared dangerous by International Air Transport or the International Maritime Organization, you need to attach a declaration form for it. In such a situation of dangerous goods, they need to be trained staff to handle your goods safely.
Bank Draft-
It is essential for you to get paid. You need to add all the required documentation on the draft itself to get your money from the bank.
Here are the same benefits of hiring these companies for your documentation-
- You will get a perfect copy of documentation as the work will be done by legal experts.
- Personalized documents according to your goods and export regulations.
- Ample time to analyze and pay attention to other important aspects of your export.
- Zero chance of getting forge by your buyer partner.
- Smooth and hassle-free export of the goods.
These are some of the benefits of hiring these documentation companies for your export. It is always better to let experts do the work.
Hopefully, you would have got all the answers to your queries related to documentation of the export.