How Can You Master Essential Human Skills With HR Tech In 2023?

HR Tech

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by

Acquiring human skills, also known as soft skills, is just as important to a company’s success as achieving KPIs or revenue targets. Human skills in the purview of HR tech and HR skills include empathy, effective communication, resilience, and critical thinking. 

Setting these things in order of importance within your company will help your employees overcome obstacles to achieving their objectives and goals. So, let’s see how we can master these skills with the involvement of smarter HR software in India in 2023. 

Ways To Master Your Essential HR Skills In 2023 With The Help Of HR Tech:

Master your relationships with peers at workplaces

To start, employees must be given access to psychological safety. Often, your staff might experience fear of layoffs as the news surfaces now. The key to navigating these difficult times successfully is psychological safety. 

Transparency regarding expectations and the company’s state enables your staff to function from a position of trust. Your staff can operate at their peak level, innovate and create, work together and take the lead when they aren’t anxious.

The capacity to create and sustain healthy relationships, dependent on soft skills in the purview of HR skills, is what we mean when we talk about cultivating relational mastery.

Cultivating internal stability, strength, and composure is crucial when the external environment is unstable, ambiguous, and volatile. Your emotional capacity is much lower when you’re coming from a place of fear or instability. You are out of fuel. 

We can support others when we develop our emotional intelligence, comprehend our emotions, and have the ability to manage them.

Relationships are cultivated by people who can manage workplace relationships. They will take the reins with a sincere concern for the welfare of their subordinates. 

Therefore, when we see that someone is under stress or is coming from a place of scarcity, we can assist them in developing internal stability and calmness. 

When we embrace relational mastery for ourselves, we can work to co-create it for the team. 

And when HR tech is involved, it is easy to foster meaningful relationships at the workplace. Your remote workers would thank you for that. But daily, you can grow in their minds and behaviour. That means your workers will work according to the vision you set for them with the enablement of smarter HR management software in India for the firm.

Develop and encourage analytical thinking with HR Tech

Employees capable of critical thinking can solve problems using reasoning, analysis, and creative thinking to pinpoint the issues before making suggestions for how to fix them. 

We need our employees to be able to analyse problems by asking:

  • “Is this really the best way to solve this problem?” and 
  • “Is there any additional information we need to determine a solution?”

It helps them change their preconceived assumptions and not take ideas at face value. They grow habitual of asking the right questions and getting stuff done. With an HR tech solution’s involvement, reporting and analysing the data is easy. 

Hundreds and thousands of hours per year get saved for the HR personnel. While at the same time, they are smart enough to hone their analytical skills and check how the workforce is performing in the culture. 

Foster an honest and harmonious feedback system

Each person has a different “window of tolerance” for negative criticism. An employee may react anxiously or irrationally when feedback triggers them. On the other hand, they might switch to a shut-down mode and drift off. Both of these are ineffective because the employee is responding to what they see as a threat, which means that the information being conveyed will not be received (heard).

Thanks to this human skill, your emotional intelligence can be increased in two ways. We can develop our self-awareness to recognise the warning signs of inconsistencies and know when to ask for a break from the feedback exchange. 

The manager or the person providing feedback can also develop their awareness of how the other is responding and pause to check in. To ensure that their words are heard and taken into account, they might choose to pause the conversation or reschedule it.

Preach and promote thoughtful communication across functions in the workplace

Having the right means to communicate effectively with others is crucial for sharpening one’s human skills in the purview of HR skills. 

For example:

A lot of conflicts occur when we say something that might be perceived or felt as hostile. That happens without our intention to do so. And that’s because there is a communication gap. 

So it is crucial to pay attention to how we speak to other people. 

Therefore, you first acknowledge the event that sparked your feelings before comprehending how someone said or did make you feel. It takes a lot of self-awareness and communication skills to do this.

You must be able to respond to questions like:

  • What do I need to change to calm myself down or recognise that it’s a trigger and not overreact? 
  • How can I articulate what the cause of this trigger is? 
  • How can I have a productive conversation with that person once I can settle down with the emotions or the reaction?

Installing a social intranet in your workplace allows you to be open with your managers and colleagues. There is no fear as communication is always open, honest, and purposeful. So you don’t have to think twice about hurting someone. Rather, when you see your employees talking to each other with concerns, you learn a nice way to sharpen your purposeful communication skills in no time. 


Human skills in the purview of HR skills will keep evolving, as does technology and our dependence on it. We must not fear it. Rather, we need to bring more human factors into our day-to-day lives. Only then can we cultivate better relationships with others. However, first, we need to be self-aware as well. Because if our emotional intelligence is not at par with others, there will be communication gaps for sure. And when you use smarter HR software in India at your firm, such communication gaps are bridged to a certain extent without hard work. 

Apart from that, if you are interested to know about A comprehensive Guide Total Lockout then visit our Technology category.