How to Have an Awesome Fight Night (Viewer Guide) 

Fight Night
Awesome Fight Night

Last Updated on November 19, 2022 by

There’s nothing better than a fight night when it comes to boxing. Whether it’s another classic Canelo fight or Floyd Mayweather comes out of retirement (again), you can’t beat it. However, if you’re a beginner in the world of boxing, you might not understand how to truly have an awesome fight night. If so, don’t worry – the tips and tricks in this guide will get you set up. 

1. Have Some Pre-Fight Entertainment Ready

Before the main event of any big fight, there’s something called the ‘undercard’. This is when a handful of pre-fight bouts take place featuring smaller, lesser-known boxers. Sometimes, these fights are okay – but they’re usually not that entertaining. Instead, they take place simply to fill time before the main event. 

This is why it’s important to have some pre-fight entertainment ready so that you don’t get bored.

2. Prepare Your Knowledge 

It’s always a good idea to research the fighters taking place in the main event. You can quickly study their records and form leading up to them, as this will give you a nice insight into what could potentially happen. For example, if both of the fighters are undefeated, then it adds an extra element of excitement to the occasion, as one of them is finally going to lose their undefeated record.

3. Upgrade Your TV 

If you’re still using an old TV, it’s time to upgrade to a 4K monitor. Watching fights in 4K quality is so much better, you won’t believe it. You can clearly see every punch that gets thrown and the expressions on the faces of people in the crowd. Plus, the enhanced sound quality will even allow you to hear the crisp noise of the gloves making contact, which creates a more immersive viewing experience.

4. Invite Your Friends Over

If you’re watching the big fight from home or in a bar, you should invite your friends to join you. Sure, boxing can be fun to watch alone sometimes, but nothing makes a fight night more special than having your friends with you. Even for casual boxing fans, it’s a lot of fun. 

5. See What Twitter Is Saying 

When the fight is taking place, make sure to check Twitter between the rounds. When it comes to #Boxing, Twitter is one of the most entertaining and funny platforms to look at; as users are always tweeting their opinions out. You can see what all the celebrities, big pundits, and everyday people are saying about the fight and who they think is going to win. Plus, if you want to, you can even tweet your own opinions about the fight and earn yourself some new followers. 

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