How To Increase Response To Email Using Bulk Sms?

Bulk Sms

Last Updated on December 14, 2023 by Asfa Rasheed

Have you ever used bulk SMS service as a marketing method for your brand? Well, then you might be well aware of the struggle of putting your words in mere 160 characters. And, it is one of the criticisms that SMS as a communication channel has always faced. For a little background, this level was set back in the 90s rather promptly when SMS was invented – it’s a short sentence after all. So, regardless of whether your bulk SMS campaign comes along with a chance of over 98% being read, it is always going to be short on content.

Here, if we consider another marketing channel, E-mail, on the contrary, comes with no such restrictions. You can send as long a mail as you want and you have the liberty to keep it short too. Considering the positive side, you don’t have to cut short on your words to make them fit the character count. 

But there is a downside too – a miserable delivery and read rate. Often, people receive multiple marketing emails leading them to ignore or skim through them. And here your email can be lost. So, this is where we can think of a way of combining the powerful impact of SMS with the detailed functionality of an email.

So, according to a survey conducted across 1300 people, one of the questions to specially address this concern was – “Would you like to receive SMS from companies telling you about information and offers that they have sent through email?”

Quite surprisingly, over 65% of the people said “YES”. And this is a staggering positive response rate that reflects people’s frustration with receiving multiple emails and skimming through them. And here, it seems that text or SMS can act as a highlighter or filter for your marketing emails. This would pinpoint the information that would otherwise be missed by your potential customers.

So, using Bulk SMS Service in Hyderabad as a channel of highlighting your email communications would definitely seem to be a fair plan. Topping it with a cherry, of the thousands of marketers, only a few of them are using this technique. This brings along a huge opportunity for you to generate more responses from direct marketing activities.

Above all, implementing these ideas will just take a few moments. All you have to do is to set up a strategy and campaign first. Further, test it and shortly after, you’re good to go. Now, you just have to trigger your SMSs shortly after you send your next email communication to your customers.

This way, a bulk SMS campaign can help you land a better conversion rate and results. Minimal efforts, better reach and lesser competition (for now at least) – you’re all set to take the stage. You can always hire the services of the best bulk SMS service provider to ensure that everything goes well. This way, you’ll ensure effective communication, exceptional delivery and the best results. So, act on it.

Apart from that, if you are interested to know about HOW DO BULK SMS PLAY A VITAL ROLE IN ENSURING BUSINESS CONTINUITY? then visit our Business category.