How To Take Care Of Your Skin

Take Care Of Your Skin

We all are obsessed with having healthy skin without pimples and flaws. But, as we age, our skin loses its appeal due to many reasons, including our unhealthy lifestyle, wrong skincare product choices, and many. It has become hard to find time for skincare in our busy life. However, you can protect your skin from aging or other skin-related problems just by following a few steps that will not take a huge time. Learn how to pamper your skin to keep it young forever.

Acne, pimples, and sunburns are very common, and they make your skin look dull. Healthy skin always glows and gives you confidence from within. If it is hard to manage skin problems alone, you can visit a skin care clinic to fight again all skin issues. It is not about getting fair skin; rather, it is about getting healthy skin.


Teenage girls and boys are facing the acne problem more than others. But, it does not mean that you have less chance of getting acne. Acne is caused by clogged pores on your skin. Sebum is a type of oil that lubricates your skin and hair, and it can also clog your skin pores. Due to this, pimples will appear, and it is called acne. Generally, oil-producing glands mainly stay on T Zone – forehead, nose, and chin area. These areas are more prone to acne.

Don’t worry! You can use some best formulas to stop your breakouts.

  • Rinse your skin with warm water twice a day. Apply a gentle soap made for the acne-prone skin. Remember that over-washing and scrubbing can irritate your skin. After cleaning, apply a lotion with benzoyl peroxide compound as per the recommendation of the American Academy of Dermatology. 
  • Are you popping your pimples? Don’t do this. It causes the infected material to go deep into the skin, which causes problems like swelling, redness, and scarring. If you get pimples before a big event, you can visit a skin care clinic and consult with a dermatologist to treat pimples without any fear of scarring or other issues. 
  • Do not touch your skin often with your fingers and keep your phone away from your face as it collects sebum from your face. Touching your skin can irritate your pores. Before applying anything on your face, clean your hands always.
  • Clean your sunglasses or glasses to stop the oil from clogging your pores.
  • If you have acne on your body, wear not-too-tight clothes. 
  • Buy non-comedogenic makeup for your skin. Always clean your makeup before your sleep.
  • Hair can also cause acne, so keep your hair clean and away from your face to prevent breakouts.

Protect your skin from the sun:

The sun’s rays can damage your skin. It does not mean that you keep yourself in hiding. You can enjoy the benefits of the sun’s rays while keeping your skin protected. you can maintain these tips below for avoiding sun damage.

  • Apply sunscreen with at least SPF (Sun Protection factor) 15. If you sweat a lot, you need to reapply the sunscreen every 2 hours.
  • Get sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection. 
  • When the sun is brighter from 10 am to 4 pm, you must apply and reapply sunscreen frequently.
  • Even in cloudy weather, you must not skip sunscreen if you are going out.

Cold sores:

Cold sores are generally the blisters on your lips. It is contagious nature, spreading from one person to another. It is a virus-affected disease.

  • Sharing lip balms or other stuff can cause cold sores. The virus (HSV-1) can be transmitted in your body through the nose and the mouth, especially saliva.
  • It gets aggravated when you are in too much sun or under stress.
  • Do not eat acidic foods (oranges and tomatoes) when you have cold sores.

Vising a dermatologist will help you get rid of this problem. A dermatologist will give you some easy-to-do tips to manage your cold sores.


It is a type of worse skin issue where your skin gets red, dry, and itchy. Itchy rashes on your skin make your living difficult. The most affected areas are the bend of your elbows and knees, neck, and face. The symptoms have a wide list.

  • Avoid harsh detergent, perfumed soap, and other similar products that can irritate your skin.
  • A short, warm bath will be comfortable when you have eczema flare ups
  • Use non-fragranced lotions or moisturizers for your skin.
  • Wear cotton clothes since the material is breathable and does not harm your skin.
  • Did you know stress can cause eczema also? So, check your stress.

Skin problems are too many, and a dermatologist is the best person to consult with. Healthy skin is a sign of good health. So, maintain your diet and lifestyle. The Wellness Way is a reputed and trusted skin care clinic, offering the best way for getting rid of skin issues. If your skin causes complications, heal it with the best advice of a doctor. 

Read also: Kinds Of Acne And Their Special Treatment