Importance Of Branding: Tips to strengthen your brand Identity

Importance Of Branding: Tips to strengthen your brand Identity

Last Updated on March 7, 2022 by

For every business owner, there is one way to succeed — branding. It’s one of the essential ingredients required for the success of your business. But most people think that having a personalized logo for their business means branding. but in reality, that’s not the case, branding is more than just creating a logo.

It helps your business establish itself as an eminent identity in a marketplace full of other businesses. Once you’re famous, branding gives you an edge to target the right audience while spreading your business exponentially. In short, brand building is essential for your business growth.

Here is how you can strengthen your brand identity. 

Know your audience inside out

Know your audience inside out

The success of your business depends on your potential audience. If you know whom to target, whom to reach out to, and whom to sell, you are sure to take your business to the next level. Having a clear idea about your audience helps you effectively devise your business strategies. 

Create a convincing company message 

For strengthening a brand name that customers can put their faith in, you have to describe what your brand is all about and its offerings. A convincing message from your brand should include a clear picture of it in a feedback loop. Take an example of Apple’s brand message that says, “Think different.” Their message clearly shows that whatever they design is different and innovative. This brand has a massive following around the world, and it delivers what it says. 

Know your marketplace better 

Research is the key to success. The more you know about your market, the better you can strategize. Analyze your competitors and see how they operate, treat customers, what price they charge, their brand values, their activities on social platforms, and others. Use this information to comprehend customers, their shopping habits, demographics, and locations that you need to characterize them. 

To put it simply, research your competitors and their way of doing business. 

Highlight your USPs 

It takes longer than enough to build a brand identity, but it takes just a few seconds to ruin it. So, to put your brand in front of customers, you must consider the four Ps: product, price, promotion, & place. Use these elements to highlight your brand. 

When you identify what you are selling, tell customers how it is different from other competitors. Once you have decided on the products, consider their selling price. Many brands sell the same product but with different features and prices. It’s your pricing decisions that impact supply, demand, profit, margins, and marketing strategy. If you adopt a flexible price approach, it directly influences the promotion and place. 

Once you’ve decided the price, you must promote your products, ensuring they reach your target markets. Spread the word about it through public relations, email marketing, advertising, social media, and others. 

Once the product, price, and promotions are determined, it’s time to decide the right place to display your products. This step is vital to convert your target audience into loyal customers.   

Create a memorable tagline and logo

If you want to make a personalized logo, you need to have a balanced, strong image with a simple look. Your brandmark must work well with the brand name. It should also have a readable font. As a business needs a tagline as well, you need to pay extra attention when creating one. It’s the tagline that gives a glimpse of your brand. Remember that your logo and tagline will be placed in your business cards, flyers, custom box packaging, and other marketing materials. That is why you must ensure that it communicates your brand message well and is easy for customers to remember. You can take inspiration from other brands’ taglines and create one that depicts the true essence of your business. You can use an online logo maker for creating a logo, and a tagline maker for taglines.

Determine how you’ll interact with your audience 

With interaction, you can reach your target customers. It’s one of the key elements to reach out to. But before you try to interact, decide your brand voice, such as the type of content, style, and tone. Then, consider your target audience and think about a brand voice that will appeal to them. For example, if you want to reach out to your younger audience, learn how to win over their hearts and build trust with them. Then, communicate with them with a fun and informative attitude. 

Make your brand universal 

Make your brand universal 

Remember, brand building is not stable. It is a never-ending process that keeps running with the expansion of your audience base. Your brand needs to be present everywhere as customers need customized requirements backed by real personal interaction. You can build such a brand identity by considering everything right from logo to tagline and color scheme. Have a good and consistent online presence to wow your audience. Build brand awareness with a constant effort rather than pleasing everyone associated with other strong brands. 

Be your brand’s ambassador 

Nobody knows your brand better than you and the people who work for you. So, you don’t have to get a brand ambassador to represent your business; you can do it yourself. All you have to do is spread the word around the world! 

You can take the example of India’s late Mahashay Dharampal Gulati, the owner-founder and brand ambassador of MDH (a popular spice brand). Instead of hiring a brand ambassador, he decided to interact and promote his business and brand directly. As a result, his efforts paid him off, and his brand became a common household name in India. Moreover, his picture on the products helped in building a trustworthy image of his MDH brand. 

Focus on promotion 

Focus on promotion 

Not investing in a brand promotion will restrict the expansion of your target audience. Limited audience means limited revenue and limited growth. Combining effective marketing with quality products/services can prove to be victorious for your brand. 

Here is how you can build your brand and strengthen identity through marketing —

You already know the power of social media. Having your brand profile on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social platforms will help people identify your brand. It also allows you to interact with your audience on a personal level. 

Organize or attend various webinars, conferences, and events to interact with your audience. With such events, you can spread the word that your brand is different and the quality products/services you provide. 

Offer discounts and deals to your existing customers. For example, you can ask them to refer your brand to their family or friends, and for each referral, they will earn discounts. This will not only improve your customer base but also give your brand much-needed exposure. 


Brand building isn’t a cup of tea. It’s consistent and takes effort. Once you have built a brand identity, it’s sure that your business will grow. Use all the above tips to strengthen your brand identity.