How can you make your writing more conversational to engage your readers?

How can you make your writing more conversational to engage your readers?

Last Updated on October 27, 2023 by Umer Malik

To write your text in a conversational tone makes your writing interesting and engaging for the readers. The benefits of using conversational tone are many, as a writer you create connection with your readers, the tone makes your ideas and words come to you easily. When you write like you normally talk, you don’t get writer’s block more often. A strong connection between you and the readers is established. Importantly, it increases your readership, making you feel more involved and closed to them

Conversational tone makes your writing more fluid, simple and readable. Here, some guidelines are shared to help you write in a conversational tone.

Write for one person

When we are having a conversation, we are engaged with a particular individual. Similarly, when we are writing in a conversational tone, it means that we are not addressing a large number of people instead a single person. Avoid using plural nouns. While you are writing, imagine that you are sharing your thoughts with an individual and hearing theirs too  and feeling their emotions and fears. 

Use first- and second-person pronoun

When using a conversational tone, refer to yourself with “I” and use “you” for your audience to convey your message as if you are directly speaking to them. First and second person pronouns sound more personal and closer to your readers. You can learn more about using suitable nouns according to your tone in your writing through expert writers and paper writing services available online.   

A simple change in using pronouns can make a huge difference in your tone. Use of third person pronouns i.e. “they”, “he”, “she” suggests that you are distant and formal with your readers.

For example, if you write:

  • Readers must read between the lines.
  • You must read between the lines.

Use informal linking words

In conversational tone, the linking verbs are informal such as “well”, “anyway”, “since”, “because” etc. If you are writing in a formal tone, the formal linking verbs we use are, Besides”, “on the contrary”, “besides”, “as a matter of fact”,”nevertheless”,etc

When you want to write conversationally, avoid using formal linking verbs and replace them with informal transition words.

Tell a Story

Conversational tone is also about telling stories, sharing your personal experiences. This also helps you to connect with your readers, as they try to relate the narrative to their lives with your experiences. Telling stories compel your readers, because stories trigger emotions 

Incorporate example in your writing

In conversational writing, you can use examples to make complex things understandable for your readers. This will make your writing more credible and interesting for your readers. If you include examples when writing conversationally, your readers can link your examples you stated with their own personal experiences.

Use contractions 

Using contractions in your writing makes your writing more natural and conversational to your readers, they will feel that you are conversing with them.


  • “I will not be going on vacation.”
  • “I won’t be going on vacation.” 

Ask questions

To engage your readers, you can ask hypothetical questions. This will encourage them to agree or disagree or contemplate on it. This will give your text a conversational tone and the readers will feel that you are directly speaking to them as an acquaintance or a friend.

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