Outsourcing Software Localization Work

Outsourcing Software Localization Work

Last Updated on July 24, 2024 by Ali Hamza

Localization Is Essential

Software companies around the world are penetrating foreign markets. However, to make this endeavor successful, localization is essential to expand your business.

Taking assistance from agencies, like Professional Chinese translation services, can help software organizations to attain a robust foothold in new regions.

Outsourcing or In-House?

Amid the localization planning, there is one important issue that often leads to a debate. And that is whether to outsource the translation work or not?

Many experts believe it to be one of the most contentious topics. There is a huge majority that believes that there is no substitute for acquiring an internal team of translators that are multilingual in nature.

Whereas, there is another school of thought that believes in outsourcing from freelancers or localization services providers, e.g., ; Certified Chinese translation services. 

Cost Effectiveness of Outsourcing

If you compare the pros and cons of both these options, outsourcing is more cost-effective. Especially for startups or SMEs.

There are several other benefits of outsourcing translation services. So let’s discuss them in the light of a professional Chinese translation company. And how it can help small and medium-sized enterprises.

1.  Human Resource Management of Expert Chinese Translation Services

For small businesses, translation is never the big goal. It constitutes an insignificant part of their day-to-day operations.

And is often interim. For instance, translations pertaining to the software are only in demand when the company is planning to develop its software or if any update is to be made.

Hiring A Manager

Firms sometimes do not have multilingual professional translators as a part of their permanent employees.

Hence, they plan to acquire well-credentialed professionals that can assist them in the localization processes. But as a part of the quality assurance mechanism, firms need to hire an experienced professional that can overlook the translation process.

Post Job-Completion Decisions

When a particular project gets completed, a conundrum usually arises. And that is what should your acquired team of professional translators do when a particular project gets accomplished?

Should they be fired, or should the company find some other work for them?

Keeping Them Busy

In this scenario, firms often keep their team of translators busy so that they are just not a liability or expense.

But even after that, they are of little or no use to the company. Many experts believe that it is a misuse of human resources when you do not have proper assigned work for a team.

The Benefit of Outsourcing

On the contrary, if firms outsource professional translators, they never have to worry about the expenses of an unnecessary human resource. And the time and resources it takes to manage them.

 All they would require is a professional manager with sound experience that can ensure the outsourced translators are providing efficient and accurate translations.

And this is exactly what a professional Chinese translation company does.  

2.  Efficiency And Quality

When the Chinese Translation company was starting up, it never felt the need to hire a lot of bilingual translators.

Since their daily tasks consisted of easy translation work, it was often completed before due time, and with utmost efficiency. However, in scenarios when they had to deal with bigger projects, it took them more time, and often reduced their efficiency.

Budget Constraints

Small and medium enterprises, due to budget constraints, are unable to afford capable translators.

Hence, their quality is compromised. The lack of expertise in this area exhibits an inability to assess a translator’s prowess and aptitude.

Outsourcing Allows Analysis

On the contrary, if firms are outsourcing their translators, they can analyze the efficiency and quantity of translators that they need for a particular project.    

Translation does not pertain to just one particular industry, rather it is divided into several industries.

The team of professional translators that language services providers, such as Certified Chinese translation services, possess, have a lot of traits. For instance, they are aware of the linguistic preferences of a target market.


Moreover, their grip on the cultural intricacies and nuances enables them to translate content in an efficient manner. Moreover, they are also well equipped with advanced machine translation software, which allows them to translate large content in a short period of time. Meanwhile, maintaining the accuracy of the information.

And last but not the least, their in-depth knowledge of the target culture enables them to go beyond simple translations. And opt for localization. This molds the content’s adaptability to the needs and perceptions of the target audience. 

Delegating Content

Language service providers, such as Expert Chinese Translation services, delegate content work to the translators by keeping the demand of the project in front of them.

Concurrently, medium-sized companies can take assistance from LSPs that will provide them translation services customized to their needs.

3.  Decreasing Costs

There is no doubt that one of the most cost-effective activities that medium-sized enterprises with constraint budgets can opt for is to outsource their translation projects.

Time Spent On Resource Allocation

If firms acquire translators to become a permanent part of their translation team, they often have to spend more money.

Moreover, a lot of time has to be allocated and resources utilized to establish the translation guidelines. Without these standards, quality translations can never be achieved.

Perks and Privileges

On top of that, hired translators have to be paid on a monthly basis, regardless of the work that he or she does for your firm.

Meanwhile, there are other perks and privileges that companies have to give to their hired employees, not to mention the workspace that an entire team of translators will occupy.

Paying For Specific Work

The majority of the companies do not require translation work on a daily basis. It is basically part of their major organizational projects.

 Hence, it is always recommended to get in touch with translation outsourcing services like Chinese translation companies. This will help you save a lot of money since you will only have to pay for the specific work.

Moreover, if you aim to penetrate multiple foreign markets at the same time, outsourcing your work for multiple languages will be very cost-effective. It will diminish workload, and ameliorate efficiency and turnaround time.

Even if an organization is outsourcing its translation work, it does not mean that you have to stay away from the processes.

There are many steps that can be taken amid outsourcing translation;

  • Do not choose the localization agency hastily. Rather conduct thorough research that enables you to select the one that is best for you.
  • Make sure that your LPS does not have a bad reputation. Avoid agencies that have prior confidentiality issues.
  • Do not make the mistake of assuming that the translators will figure out the intended message and brand image by themselves. Ensure that you have conveyed all your requirements clearly.
  • Do not hesitate to form good relationships with your translators. A good relationship can help you in the long run. And you can directly contact those translators without the medium of a localization services agency. It will help you diminish costs.


In this article, we discussed in detail that small or medium-sized corporations that do not have the resources to develop a translation or localization department within their firm can utilize the services of a localization agency vis-a-vis outsourcing.

Outsourcing will help SMEs to save their costs, ensure quality and efficiency. And will eventually help them to expand their operations.

Read more: All you need to Know about Automotive Translation Services