More Than Meets the Eye: The Process of Choosing a Personal Injury Attorney

More Than Meets the Eye: The Process of Choosing a Personal Injury Attorney

Last Updated on March 17, 2024 by Umer Malik

Maybe you’re a “live and let live” type of person. You don’t get angry over much, and you’d prefer to go about your business quietly. There’s always a time and place for that attitude.

But, if you’ve become the victim of a personal injury, that attitude may not help. After all, your injury could keep you from working. It likely gave you medical bills to worry about.

In these cases, you’ll have to pursue a personal injury case against the party that injured you. And, to ensure you get what that party owes, you need a personal injury attorney.

These lawyers can help you get the funds you need from your case. The question is, how do you choose one? If that’s what you’re wondering, check out our guide below!

How To Choose A Personal Injury Attorney: Where To Start?

Before you can do anything else, you have to find a lawyer in the area where your case will be. That means you need a lawyer who practices in the state where you were injured, not necessarily the one in which you live.

Try using a local bar association’s network to find a personal injury attorney’s practice. Usually, these networks include information on the best personal injury attorney practices around.

Choosing A Personal Injury Lawyer For Your Case Type

Personal injuries come in all shapes and sizes (sometimes literally). So, you must find a lawyer who handles your type of case. If your injury happened in a car crash, but your lawyer only handles assault cases, you probably need another attorney.

So, find a lawyer who’s handled similar cases to yours. This way, you can expect the best representation.

Talk To People You Know

Most often, personal injuries occur in people’s home state or town. So, ask any friends, family, or coworkers about a personal injury attorney.

In many cases, you know somebody who’s at least heard of a good attorney. Remember, though, to never choose an attorney based on word of mouth.

Investigate Top Personal Injury Attorneys

Once you’ve found a few top candidates, research their backgrounds further. How have they performed in past cases?

There are several resources to help you in this investigation. You can find expert reporting on lawyers through websites that score attorneys based on their abilities and track record. The state bar association can also help you find a skilled professional.

Attend Free Consultations

Most law firms across the country offer a free consultation. During this time, an attorney will hear the details of your case from you. It also gives both of you an idea of how you’ll work together.

When you attend this meeting, bring any relevant documents. These could include doctor’s notes, medical bills, accident reports, or proof of lost income. Also, try attending a few different consultations to see how you like various lawyers and their styles.

Choose Your Attorney

Once you’ve done all of this, you can choose a personal injury attorney with confidence. From there, you can go to court and take back what’s yours!

We hope you enjoyed this article! If so, check out our other content today.

Read more: Personal Injury Lawyer and When to Hire One