Raiders of the Lost Ark on Twitch is already bigger than the number of people watching Grand Theft Auto 5

Raiders of the Lost Ark on Twitch is already bigger

Last Updated on July 29, 2022 by

In terms of peak Twitch viewing, the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Lost Ark has already eclipsed such well-established games as Grand Theft Auto V and Cyberpunk 2077.

Following the release of Lost Ark, TwitchTracker reports that the game has already outperformed the highest audience statistics for Grand Theft Auto V on the streaming site. This is a particularly significant accomplishment given the fact that the Amazon Games-published MMORPG has not yet been launched in its entirety in its current state. A successful Early Access period, which started on February 8 and will go through the 22nd, is now underway for Lost Ark.

Early access for Lost Ark has proved to be incredibly popular, with a peak of 532,476 concurrent players on Steam during the game’s first few days of availability. 

Due to the film’s huge popularity in South Korea, the degree of enthusiasm around The Raiders of the Lost Ark should come as no surprise to anybody. In 2019, when creators Tripod Studio and Smilegate published the isometric experience, players overwhelmingly praised it, lost ark gold paving the framework for its future release in western areas. The game was announced to be launched in early 2022 during the 2021 Game Awards, despite the fact that Amazon Games and Smilegate had initially intended for it to be released late last year. The steady distribution of fresh information about the massively multiplayer online role-playing game hints that the somewhat lengthier wait was eventually worth it.

An analysis by TwitchTracker found that Lost Ark’s highest viewing audience on Twitch had now topped 1.27 million concurrent watchers, according to the company.

  • Taking into account this astronomical number, the massively multiplayer title is ranked #13 on the list of the most popular Twitch games, which is updated every day
  • The game so places it just a few spots above Cyberpunk 2077 and Grand Theft Auto 5, both of which had a peak audience of 1
  • 14 million viewers on the popular streaming site at the time of their respective releases
  • Meanwhile, with a high viewership of 1
  • 37 million, the survival game Rust is just one million viewers ahead of the film The Raid on the Dark Side
  • It’s also worth noting that another Amazon Games-published MMORPG, New World, features on the list; the game’s Twitch stream hit a high of almost one million spectators

In a recent survey by TwitchTracker, it was discovered that Lost Ark’s peak popularity on Twitch has now topped 1.27 million concurrent users. 

On the list of most popular Twitch games, which is updated every day, this enormous quantity positions the massively multiplayer title at #13 on the most popular games list. As a result, it comes in third place, behind only Cyberpunk 2077 and Grand Theft Auto 5, cheap lost ark gold both of which had a peak audience of 1.14 million viewers on the famous streaming website at the time of its release. Meanwhile, with a peak watching audience of 1.37 million, the survival game Rust is just a million viewers ahead of the film Lost Ark in the viewership stakes. In addition, the inclusion of another Amazon Games-published MMORPG on the list is noteworthy; New World’s Twitch audience hit a peak of more than one million watchers at one point.

Read More: The Settings of Lost Ark are Neither Subtle Nor Particularly Original