7 Relaxing Destinations for a Weekend Getaway


Last Updated on March 6, 2024 by Nasir Hanif

If you’re looking for family fun, an adventurous weekend of rock climbing, paragliding, or some other exciting time, there are numerous destinations you can visit both domestically and abroad. And we do mean numerous

There are so many in fact, you barely have to do any thinking or even research to come up with a place to go. From Disney World to a party-hard girl’s weekend in San Luis Talpa, and from Los Angeles to Times Square and countless attractions in between, there’s plenty to do and see if you’re looking for excitement. 

However, when it comes to finding a place where you can relax and unwind, it can be a little difficult to find the perfect spot. Since it’s most likely that the vast majority of you could use a little relaxation, we wanted to highlight a few destinations you may want to visit for a nice weekend where you can finally unwind. 

1. Hot Springs, Arkansas 

This may not be the first place that pops into your head when considering a getaway but you may want to consider it. The natural hot springs, the city’s namesake, offers the opportunity to soak in a mineral bath that many believe has healing properties. 

To make your trip even more relaxing, rent a Fox Pass cabin for a rustic addition that comes with a lot of great amenities. 

2. Breckenridge, Colorado 

This quaint little ski town looks like something straight out of a postcard. With an unforgettable view of the mountains, a picturesque town center packed with great shops and restaurants, and exceptional lodging, it’s next to impossible not to relax.  

3. Bastrop, Texas 

Located just 20 minutes west of the Austin airport, this town is known as the Lost Pines of Texas due to its surrounding woodlands. Check out flights from RDU or your nearest airport to Austin and get ready for a leisurely weekend. 

Bastrop is located right on the Colorado River and that means you can rent canoes and rent cabins available along the river, but there’s even more relaxation to be found at Lake Bastrop and Bastrop State Park, where you can rent cabins, enjoy hiking, fishing, bird watching, and more. All of this makes it a perfect destination for nature lovers. 

With the surrounding woodlands, during deer season, Bastrop is also a great destination for a hunting trip

4. Dry Tortugas, Florida 

Located 70 miles off Key West, you have to take a boat or seaplane to even get there. Beautiful beaches, great weather, and the fort walls lend shelter to numerous fish, making this a great destination for snorkeling and water lovers in general. 

5. Summer in Snowmass, Colorado 

The thought of Colorado may make you think of snow and skiing, but visiting Snowmass in the summer is a sight to behold. Picturesque mountain vistas, scenic gondola rides, fly fishing, and horseback riding are just a few of the relaxing activities you can enjoy. 

6. Stowe, Vermont 

For a weekend of relaxing, you simply can’t go wrong with Stowe. Quaint covered bridges and ski resorts that in the off-season turn into spa getaways where you can get a deep tissue massage or relaxing facial definitely set the mood for a leisurely weekend.  

However, you also have mountain biking, hiking, and horseback riding, rivers to fish or swim in, breweries, farm-to-table restaurants, and even Ben & Jerry’s nearby if you want to explore a little.  

7. Hotel Bel-Air, Los Angeles 

Last but certainly not least, this five-star hotel is the perfect place to go if you want to relax in style. There’s a Wolfgang Puck restaurant, the famous Dorchester Collection spa, and an enormous oval-shaped pool where you can have ice cream sundaes via regular visits by the concierge. And since this is where a lot of celebrities go to relax, you know you can’t go wrong. 

Between household duties and chores, kids, yard work, and even trying to catch up on work, relaxing weekends can be few and far between. When the opportunity does arise, choose somewhere that you’ve never been, that offers great amenities, and enables you to “get away from it all.” That way you can decompress and relax for once. 

Read more : 5 Tips to Plan an Unforgettable Weekend Getaway