Research methods in thesis

Research methods

Last Updated on April 28, 2024 by Umer Malik

Research methods is a concept that students come across all the time. The X hour comes, and you need to write your thesis. Here is just where without a competent methodology anywhere. Knowledge from the series about Sherlock Holmes is not enough – deduction alone will not go far. Although it is also one of the points we need. In this article, we will give answers to important questions.

What are methods in thesis?

A method is a tactical and/or practical technique through which knowledge is acquired, skills are improved, skills are consolidated, information is collected. In other words, it is a way to achieve the research goal, to accomplish the assigned tasks.

There is an introduction, in it we describe the relevance, goals, objectives. The next item is methods. That is, this is the toolkit with which the previous points will be provided. All subsequent actions are performed on this basis.

With regard to the diploma, we always use the term “methods” in the plural. On one version, for example, only on analysis, scientific work cannot be extended. A certain set is needed – like the tools in the hands of the dentist, with the help of which the process is carried out.

So, let’s summarize. What are the methods of the research:

  • Find the truth. Let us clarify. When writing a diploma, the phrase “truth in w*ne” does not work. Although some students are convinced otherwise.
  • Correctly understand the problem and the way to solve it.
  • Explain the current situation, approaches, ways of obtaining results and solving problems.
  • Confirm or disprove a scientific assumption. And in some cases, even change the course of writing.

In the end, scientific methods are needed in order to achieve the goal, that is, to write a coherent, competent work and defend it.

The choice of methodology directly depends on the topic, goals and objectives, scientific field, and author’s position. There are a huge number of research methods, both general and specific, inherent in one discipline or narrow profile. This will be discussed further.

Each field of science is characterized by its own, unique and specific techniques and methods. It is advisable to study them before you start writing your diploma. This will save time and ease the task. Competent preparation – 50% success.

How are methods classified?

All methods are classified into two large groups – general and specific. In the first case, we are talking about universal methods for all branches of science, in the second, the methods used in individual branches are meant.

There are many known options among general scientific methods. Among them:

  • Experiment – under certain conditions, some phenomena are reproduced and monitoring is carried out. The purpose of the experiment is to refute or, conversely, approve of the theory.
  • A classification method that categorizes objects according to specific criteria.
  • Concretization – objects are considered in real conditions in which they exist.
  • Modeling. With the help of this method, objects or phenomena are replaced by the principle of analogy and at the same time necessarily contain original signs.
  • System analysis method – systems and objects are assessed taking into account factors that affect their functioning.
  • Abstraction. Within the framework of this method, the researcher deliberately distracts from insignificant aspects and highlights its key connections, signs, qualities.
  • Formalization method – it is assumed that the essence and structure of an object are conveyed using a variety of schemes, formulas and symbols.
  • Induction – reasoning is built from a particular to a general conclusion.
  • Deduction – the method involves building a logical chain from the general to the particular.
  • Comparison Method – Comparison of objects and phenomena is used to establish differences.
  • Synthesis. With its help, a description of parts and connections is carried out to characterize objects.
  • Analysis and analytics – means the decomposition of an object into its component parts by means of its consistent description.

The last two methods – analysis and synthesis – are considered the most universal and are used in all studies. Of course, all the items listed above cannot be used at once, but it is wrong to be limited to only two options.

Specialized or particular scientific methods have specific characteristics depending on the discipline. For example, for psychology and pedagogy, the following options are relevant:

  • conducting interviews;
  • testing;
  • polls and distribution of questionnaires;
  • interviewing;
  • ranging;
  • study of group differentiation;
  • scaling;
  • study of creative works of students.

Writing a thesis in economics involves the use of such additional methods:

  • economic hypotheses;
  • modeling from an economic and mathematical perspective;
  • conducting statistical, complex and other types of comprehensive analysis;
  • method of identical conditions;
  • method of economic coefficients.

Dichotomy, narrative method, content analysis, delimitation analysis and other unusual methods are used in philology. There is one more classification of methods – into humanitarian and socially oriented. Additionally, there are also borderline methods.

What are the secrets of writing methods in the thesis?

The methodology is necessarily described in the introductory part, after the paragraph with objectives and goals. Moreover, these points should correspond to the content of the main chapters. That is, it is unacceptable to simply copy this fragment from another work – the uniqueness of the presentation remains a prerequisite.

Methods are indicated by standard speech constructs. Among the literate formulations are such phrases: “the methodology was the basis of this research …”, “the methodological basis of the research was …”, “the following methods were investigated in the work …”, etc.

The next mandatory aspect is to list the figures who are dealing with this problem and have devoted their research to this topic. Chronological order is important.

When describing the methodology, the following standard constructions are used: “we dealt with the problems …”, “the experience of history … shows that …”, “the work of researchers has demonstrated that …”, “this approach is in character for …”

In the conclusion, each technique indicated in the introduction should also find applicability. That is, you cannot specify methods that were not actually used when buy a persuasive essay.

Modern realities dictate their conditions, and methods are being improved. Options such as deduction and induction are, without exaggeration, eternal. But there are other examples when the methods are at least no longer appropriate and have outlived their usefulness.

Thus, the analysis of literature certainly cannot be limited only to books; it is important to study scientific articles of recent years, published, including in Internet resources. You also need to study the specifics of the topic and discipline, track new developments in this area.

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