Should you remove the tree stumps?

Tree stumps

Last Updated on July 1, 2023 by

After the tree is dead or cut down on your property, you are faced with the internal dilemma; whether you want to keep the tree stumps or remove it. You can picture in your mind the merits of leaving the stump to use as a decorative piece or an additional seating option. But what you don’t realize is how harmful it can be to you and your family.

Tree stumps grow mold and rot, or if they are absorbing too much moisture, they start decaying, which will further spread the bacteria or fungus onto other plants or trees. Therefore, you should consult a qualified arborist services Melbourne for safety measures because removing a tree stump is quite a messy job and requires the need of professional help.

Here is the list of some key points that will help you overcome the indecisive question of whether you should go for the removal of tree stumps or not.

  1. Safety of your loved ones:

Stump removal provides safety to you and your loved ones. If you have kids or older people, or even pets in your home, laying the stumps through your yard is a risk to their safety. There is always a chance of tripping and hurting yourself.

  1. Spreading of tree roots:

By keeping the stump, there are chances that roots will grow under your house and spread throughout the property. You can take out the stumps more easily, but the removal of the growing root is a very big and time-consuming project. You also have to face the risk of damage it will do to your house. So, it is wise to consider a professional arborist who, by stump removal grinding Melbourne will remove the stumps along with roots.

  1. Eyesore of your property:

The stumps lying around your property can be a huge eyesore in the aesthetic of your home. They stick out to your face like a blemish and reduce the appeal of the area by making it look shabby and distressed.

  1. Home for pests:

If your stump is just lying around on your property, it will start to grow decayed and mouldy. It will rot and spread fungus and can also become the house of pests or unwanted species.

Why should you consult an arborist to do your job?

If you think you are able to remove the stumps yourself, then you need to re-think your decision. Because not only is it quite a risky task to perform, it also involves other factors that play an important role in the overall task.

  • Safety should be your main priority: First of all, your major concern should be safety. You are dealing with big machines and tools that are not easy to handle. So leave this work to professionals who know what they are doing.
  • Need knowledge and experience: Arborists have the knowledge and experience that is required to perform the task. They will take down your stumps along with roots to avoid any future risks. Moreover, they will also take care of your other existing plants and try to avoid any harm towards them.
  • Requirement of machinery: Stump removal requires tools and machinery that are not just randomly laying around your home. Even if you consider the option of hiring, that will not be very productive because it will cost you almost the same amount but with fewer benefits.
  • Dealing with the after-mess: You have to deal with the mess after cutting the stumps. You can get the service of stump disposal by consulting a professional arborist in Ferntree Gully. They will grind the stumps into smaller pieces or mulch to make the process of disposal easy. You do not have to clean any leftover debris.

If you have any stump lying around your property in Melbourne and want to get rid of it, then you should consult with a company that provides arborist services. They will properly guide you and talk you through the process of stump removal. They will make you aware of the necessary after and before steps to make the removal process safe and easy.

Apart from that, if you are interested to know about Modern Backyard Landscape then visit our Home Improvement category.