Thankful Thursday: All you need to know


Last Updated on November 23, 2022 by


Thankful Thursday is a weekly event hosted by Mel @ Introverted Booknerd, where we share what we are grateful for our lives. It is a day where you share all the things that make you grateful. You can share as little or as much as you want. Specifically, it is an opportunity to reflect on items for which you are thankful. On this day, the whole world stops and reflects on things that we appreciate in life.

It is a day that encourages everyone to share everything that makes them happy. To participate, you do not have to tag or link back to anyone. People can make posts for thankful Thursday at other times.

It celebrates all of those thoughts and feelings about being grateful by remembering the little things in life we often take for granted. It’s a time to appreciate what we have and give thanks for it. It has no specific rules to come into Thankful Thursday. However, many people post on Thursday in honour of the day, dedicating it to be thankful for all the little things in life that we often take for granted.

The main idea of Thankful Thursday

There are many events, things, or persons in every person’s life that make them happy. Naturally, we want to share these feelings with those around us. You might have no interest in their favourite movie, but they might be interested in hearing what you’re thankful for this year.

Mel created the idea of thankful Thursday @ The Introverted Book Nerd. The primary purpose of this idea is to share what you’re grateful for each week, not necessarily doing it on one day or strictly during this period.

There is also a Thankful Thursday weekly roundup by Leigh @ Pause Dream Read, where she posts all the thankfulness entries about that week.

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Rules of Thankful Thursday:

Thankful Thursday is a weekly holiday dedicated entirely to being grateful for everything you have and everything you’ve been given. So there are no specific rules to Thankful Thursday, but here are some guidelines:

  • Make sure your entry includes something you’re thankful for.
  • Be respectful of others by only sharing what inspires gratitude within yourself.
  • Limit affiliate promotion posts until after Thankful Thursday has passed.
  • Only post affiliate promotion posts if the link is in a “Thankful Thursday” email newsletter, so your readers know what your deal is.
  • If your post contains affiliate links, please make sure they apply to this holiday’s theme before using them.
  • Don’t forget to thank & tag people who inspire your gratefulness at this moment.

During thankful Thursday, be grateful, have fun, and say thanks whenever you feel like it.

Participation in Thankful Thursday:

Everyone is welcome to participate in Thankful Thursday. It’s open to everyone with any blog. There isn’t a right way to participate in it, but here is one way:

  • Write up one thing that makes you grateful.

To participate, you do not have to tag or link back to anyone. Just go ahead and post your thankfulness as a comment on The Introverted Book Nerd’s page. Many bloggers participate because they love blogging, not making money from it.

Posts of Thankful Thursday:

You can share anything that makes you grateful, whether it’s an object, person, place, or pet. Maybe there’s someone who inspires you every day, or perhaps you’re just thankful for the food on your table.

Pots for this day can be anything. It doesn’t have to be grand gestures of things, like having a roof over your head, your health, the love of friends and family. It can be simple things looking minor, but we’re grateful for it, like having time to cook dinner or do yoga after work every day this week.

Things you could do:

• Post about all the things that make you grateful on social media. There are no rules here, but try not to post more than a couple of times a day. People suppose this day to be a day of unity where everyone gets together and shares what they’re grateful for.

• Write a blog post about your favourite things if you have one, or write an article about anything related to being thankful or grateful. You can also create graphics or songs about gratitude and share them on your social media.


Thankful Thursday is a day where everyone reflects on what and who they’re grateful for. It is a global holiday celebrated every Thursday. People celebrate this day just like any other holiday: giving thanks and praise for what they have. There’s no right way to participate in Thankful Thursday. Just share one thing that makes you grateful for whatever it may be. It can be something significant like having your family with you, or it could be something as minor as seeing a cute dog on your walk to work.