The importance of applying EHS software solutions and why you should rely on Nimonik

software solutions

Last Updated on September 12, 2023 by

Today, the safety industry is not just a complementary industry but also a major industry. It is a rapidly evolving landscape, marked by increasing regulations and increasingly demanding compliance requirements. This fact has prompted many industry experts to emphasize the importance of investing in EHS (Environmental, Health, and Safety) software solutions for every company that wants to stay competitive in this industrial 5.0 era.

What is an EHS software solution?

This is an initial understanding that you should understand before exploring this topic in other aspects. The EHS software solution is a software-based solution intended for user companies so that these companies can avoid compliance violations in the Environment, Health, and Safety scope. This software-based solution ensures that companies can carry out their operations optimally without compromising the environment (where the company operates), health, and employee safety.

What is an EHS software solution?

Benefits derived from the application of EHS software solutions

There are benefits to be gained from implementing an EHS software solution:

– Very significant time savings. Instead of recording every item of liability and manually linking it to your company’s operations, you can leave everything to the system and let it work automatically and quickly. You can use your valuable time for more important work, such as developing new products that are more acceptable to the market.

-Improved communication between various teams and departments as EHS software generally provides online data-sharing capabilities.

-Covers so many liability items that are difficult to do manually. You will find it difficult to record each item of liability and relate it to aspects of your company’s operations manually, especially if you take into account updates that are usually made within a certain period, for example once every few years. For information, with the Nimonik service, you can get access to more than 2,000 checklists. That’s not including 40,000 industry standards and 400,000 regulations. So far no other compliance management system has handled as many standards and regulations as Nimonik does.

-Information about updates and any changes related to the industry that you are currently working in is delivered via email and mobile phone. You can even find out the updated rate for your jurisdiction in more detail. Everything is presented on the Nimonik blog which guides you to be able to comply with all important requirements regarding the operational activities of your company or organization.

-And of course the sense of security you get because your company can avoid internal and external compliance violations effectively and automatically.

You need Nimonik!

After understanding the points above, you must also understand the importance of finding an EHS software solution for your company as soon as possible. You can find many solutions available in the market but based on our search experience, Nimonik inc. provides the best EHS software solution. What Nimonik offers is a complete EHS software solution integrated into your enterprise system. It includes:

Reliable EHS software

This software is able to audit your company’s operational activities and ensure they comply with applicable laws and standards.

Tons of free audit templates

Yes, you read that right! Nimonik provides tons of free audit templates, so you’ll never run out of options. There are approximately 2000 kinds of audit templates that you can use according to your needs. You can also distribute templates to all departments of your company.

Regular audit scheduling

With Nimonik EHS software solution, audit scheduling can be done more easily and regularly. The audit process can also run offline when you don’t have an internet signal.

Preparation of audit reports in various formats

The process of creating limited reports is a thing of the past because with Nimonik you can create audit reports in various file formats, making it easier for anyone who receives the report.

If you are passionate about implementing an EHS software solution in your company, then contacting Nimonik as soon as possible is what we recommend!

Apart from that, if you are interested to know about NEMT Software then visit our Technology category.