8 Tips To Prepare Yourself For Hunting Season

8 Tips To Prepare Yourself For Hunting Season

Last Updated on July 13, 2024 by Asfa Rasheed

There are some people who can shoot down anything they want, the competition is huge. Using their hyper-long-range rifle, their artillery can be so destructive that they can consistently drop little 230-grain bullets on 8-inch steel discs 2000 yards away.

If you want to become one of those fierce shooters, now is a great time to start to prepare your hunting rifles for the field. Here are a few basic but always important tips for getting yours ready. Check out Load data for Accurate powders for more information about bullets, you’ll be more than satisfied.

Set The Sights

 Even if your rifle was zeroed in perfectly the last time when you used it, you have to get on a range and dial it in, because even the smallest jostling in storage and transport could have knocked the sights out of true.

Scope or iron sights, it doesn’t matter; make sure the rifle is zeroed in between 1.5 and 3 inches at 100 yards to help ensure the big one doesn’t get away when you’re hunting. Many whitetail hunters prefer a 100-yard zero while those who hunt elk or mule deer in more open country might choose a 200-yard zero.

Proper Cleaning

There’s a reason why soldiers obsessively clean their weapons. A well-maintained rifle will be more accurate and reliable in time when you need it most. The residue left from shooting in the field can allow dirt and dust to work their way up into every part of your weapon. Be sure to clean the barrel and all moving parts and coat with protective gun oil.

Then, fire the rifle a few times just to be sure whether it’s working properly before heading into the field for hunting. Most rifles, especially mass-produced ones, are more accurate with a bit of discharge in the barrels to smooth over imperfections in the metal.

Use The Proper Load

Ammo isn’t the place to be looking for a way to save a few bucks. Using premium bullets to get the ultimate knockdown power, super accuracy is a smart idea. And you also need to optimize your rifle. It’s important to match your load to the game when you’re hunting.

Thin-skinned prey like deer and antelope requires a bullet that expands rapidly yet holds together on impact. Bullet choices for larger prey like moose or elk should have a thicker jacket and a bonded core to help with penetration and ensure a clean kill.


Rust is any firearm’s greatest enemy, so make sure the action of your rifle is well-protected. And you need to cover the end of the barrel with electrical tape to keep water out and protect from wear and tear while hunting. Avoid using duct tape, because the adhesive leaves tacky residue that attracts dirt and can impact bullet path.

Check The Extras

You need to be sure to make a good visual inspection of the entire rifle, including the stock and sling mountings. Even a smallest crack in the stock can lead to bigger problems. And the last thing you want is a sling disconnecting and sending your finely dialed sights crashing into some rocks while hunting. While you’re at it, make sure your rifle case is in good shape, too.

Practice With Your Firearm

Come to the range and sight in your shot- it makes a big difference in taking an animal. Like all other sports, the more you practice, the better you become. If you have questions about a firearm or ammunition, appoint a teacher or ask an expert to help you out. Last thing you want is failing at the moment when you are about to succeed. 

Organize Your Gear

Make sure your hunting gear is all in order, including required items like colored vests, tags, licenses, and hunting bags. If you’re unsure what firearm is right for you, seek out help from experts to choose the best one for you.

Renew Or Register Your Hunting License

To hunt on an opening day, you must renew your license, register if you haven’t in the last few years, and ensure you have the right licenses for each hunting season. Additionally, if someone under the age of 12 is interested in hunting, they must apply for a Mentored Youth Permit. For the Mentored Youth Permit to be usable, be sure to have a licensed mentor age 21 or older accompanying the child.

Top your game. Practice as hard as you can. Practice hard enough until you become the confident, good and precise shooter you always wanted to become. Have a good day.

Read More: Best rifles for a hunting trip