Top 4 Reasons to Wear September Birthstone Sapphire Jewelry

September Birthstone

Last Updated on November 11, 2022 by

The September birthstone, sapphire, derives its name from the Arabic word “safir,” Latin “sapphirus,” and Greek “sappheiros,” meaning “blue gem.” Its unmatched color acts as the standard against which tanzanite, topaz, and other blue stones are judged. Although sapphires are also found in other hues, from pale pink to yellow, and are even colorless, it is mostly linked with the color blue in history, folklore, consumer awareness, and art. 

It has long been the favorite gemstone of royalty, especially the British royal family. So, you’ll be channeling royalty when you wear sapphire. One of the most prized sapphires in the world adorns the Imperial State Crown that Queen Victoria wore in 1838. In 1042, it embellished the coronation ring of Edward the Confessor and was named St. Edward’s Sapphire.

Today, the sapphire birthstone is used not just in rings but also earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. Here are 4 more reasons to wear this gemstone. 

It Has a Rich History

Sapphire birthstone has been treasured since the Middle Ages. Ancient Etruscans used it way back in the 7th century BCE, while the Ancient Persians named it the “Celestial Stone” due to its vivid blue glow. According to them, the earth rested on a huge block of sapphire that turned the sky blue.

Sapphire was also believed to be the stone of the Greek God of prophecy, Apollo. Worshippers seeking guidance wore sapphire on their visits to his shrine in Delphi. The gem was thought to attract wise judgment and divine favor. 

Buddhists say that sapphire attracts spiritual enlightenment. Hindus also use the stone while worshipping. Early Christian kings used the gem in ecclesiastical rings and thought it had the power of protection. According to the Ancient Hebrews, the Ten Commandments were carved on sapphire tablets. 

Medieval European kings believed the stone would protect them from envy and harm. Warriors gifted their young wives sapphire birthstone necklaces so they would remain faithful.

It Offers Diverse Benefits

Sapphire symbolizes faithfulness, sincerity, truth, and nobility. The clergymen of the Middle Ages wore the gem to represent heaven, while the common people believed it attracted divine blessings. Sapphire birthstones are also thought to reveal the secrets of oracles, influence spirits, and establish peace between foes. 

The stone is believed to improve focus, alleviate mental tension, depression, and unwanted thoughts, and calm the mind. It is believed to strengthen commitment and love and bring serenity and peace that fosters prosperity.

Sapphire is also used to balance the chakras with its healing properties. It is said to open the third eye to improve insight and open the throat chakra for better communication.

It’s the Most Suited Stone for September-Borns

As a September birthstone, sapphire makes the perfect birthday gift for loved ones born this month. It marks the beginning of the romantic and charming autumn season and stands for loyal love. This makes the gem a popular choice for engagement rings (a good idea for September weddings). We have already seen that in the British royal family.

In 1981, Prince Charles of Britain gave Lady Diana Spencer a 12 ct sapphire birthstone engagement ring. Princess Diana wore it until her demise in 1997. In 2010, Prince William proposed to Kate Middleton with the ring. Sapphire carries this royal lineage as a birthstone for September babies. 

It Adds a Statement Appeal to Jewelry

Sapphire is versatile enough to elevate the style of any jewelry piece. Minimal or intricate, classic or trendy, the gemstone gives a statement touch to all types of jewelry. For instance, a simple blue and white sapphire birthstone bolo bracelet can look flattering with an elegant cocktail dress. A pair of diamond and blue sapphire birthstone hoop earrings can go well with a more fun outfit. In fact, sapphire sets a brilliant contrast to diamonds and enhances the overall appeal of jewelry.

Shop for sapphire birthstone jewelry from a reputed gemstone and diamond jewelry store online store. Look for a wide collection of designs to choose from to find the most stunning birthday gifts for September-borns. And don’t forget to check for seasonal discounts, competitive prices, easy returns, and free shipping on gemstone/diamond jewelry online. This can help maximize your shopping benefits.

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