Top Tourist Attractions in Kingston?

Top Tourist Attractions in Kingston?

Last Updated on August 6, 2024 by Nasir Hanif

The city, located on the eastern shore of Lake Ontario, has a long and illustrious history. It’s close to the mouth of the St. Lawrence River. It gave it enormous strategic importance when it was first established as a French trading post and fort in the 1670s.

Kingston was so important to the British that it served as the colony’s capital for a few years before Ottawa was named. Possession of the area, known as Cataraqui at the time, gave the French control over the region’s vital trade routes. Spirit Airlines flight Booking is available online, you can book from anywhere to anywhere.

Thousand Islands National Park

This beautiful area, which straddles both the Canadian and US sides of the mighty St. Lawrence River, actually consists of more than 1,800 islands of various sizes, many of which are home to massive cottages belonging to wealthy elites from both sides of the border.

Thousand Islands National Park, an unspoiled area of quiet bays and tree-lined granite islands easily accessible by car from Kingston, is a great place to start your exploration. Book your Spirit Airlines flight tickets and visit this park.

Frontenac Provincial Park

If you want to get a taste of nature, Frontenac Provincial Park is a great place to go. The extensive mixed forests and wetlands of the park are framed by rugged granite outcrops, making it an ideal setting for various outdoor activities. It is a natural environment park because it spans the Frontenac Axis, connecting the rugged Canadian Shield to the north and the Adirondack Mountains to the south. Popular activities include canoeing and kayaking on North and South Otter Lakes, hiking its extensive 100-kilometer trail system, and backcountry camping. Pre Book your spirit Airlines tickets and enjoy at this park.

Canada’s first Prime Minister

Canada’s first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, is a perfect example of Victorian-era architecture and the lifestyles of the country’s wealthiest citizens. The original orchard is still in place.

A visit to this national monument should include an informative tour led by a costumed guide who is well-versed in the period’s lifestyles and history, as well as time to explore the grounds. The extensive gardens, which are especially lovely in spring and summer, include pre-confederation specimens and a kitchen garden and a pleasant ornamental garden.

Fort Henry National Historic Site

Fort Henry National Historic Site should undoubtedly be at the top of your list of places to visit in Kingston. The impressive fortifications you see today were built in the 1930s and served to protect Kingston’s Royal Naval Dockyard and the mouth of the Rideau Canal, connecting Lake Ontario to Ottawa for decades. They were named after a former Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec and built on an earlier fort constructed during the war with America in 1812.

The Murney Tower

The Murney Tower, which was built as part of the Kingston Fortifications to protect the city’s Royal Naval Dockyard and Kingston Harbour and supply depots and the Rideau Canal entrance, continues to dominate the shoreline. The Murney Tower, one of the Martello Towers of southern England, was built to raise tensions with the United States.So visit the spirit airlines reservations portal and book your tickets today.