5 Innovative trends in the tech industry you had never heard about

5 Innovative trends in the tech industry you had never heard about

Last Updated on August 3, 2022 by

1 – Electronics reworkability 

Waste is a big problem; we’ve all seen photos of massive landfills full of everything.

From small plastic packaging to cars or any other vehicle, it’s just insane.

What’s sad is finding out that people will never recycle most of that trash; a lot of it ends up in the sea or gets buried underneath the soil, where it contaminates the land around it.

To make things worse. 

We live in the internet of things age, where every house appliance is being changed by some intelligent version of it that needs to be updated every year.

New cellphones and laptops are released every year, and people go crazy about upgrading to the latest version even though they don’t need it.

All of this has generated a crazy amount of electronic waste, and the worst part is that most of it is not recyclable, and some of it is even toxic.

Luckily for us, some companies, people, and even governments are doing something about it.

Electronics reworkability or reusability; people are demanding from companies their right to repair electronics they bought.

In many instances, when an electronic you bought breaks down, you have to take it to a certified repair shop where sometimes they tell you that repairing the device is expensive and you’re better off buying a new one.

This often happens because companies make it difficult to repair electronics, so you have to buy new ones because they make more money that way.

I know, awful.

Well, that’s changing 

Things are starting to speed up in the EU. They recently ratified the right to repair electronics.

This aims to move towards more sustainable manufacturing practices, including forcing companies to allow electronics repairability; this will help decrease waste.

2- Organic packaging for electronics

You heard that right; not recyclable nor reusable packaging; we’re talking about organic packaging for electronic devices.

Can you eat it? Yes 

Mushroom and cornstarch; two things you probably didn’t know work fine to package electronics; as shown by this electronics company in its biodegradable packaging article.

This is a great initiative considering that since the pandemic started and shopping moved online, the amount of online shopping has rocketed to never before seen levels and the amount of waste from packaging materials too.

3 – Remote work will continue to grow

Many feel the pandemic is coming to an end, and that’s excellent news; with it, some expect people to get back to the office; but that’s not happening.

Work from home will continue to grow in 2022, and with it come many advances in software and hardware development.

Equipment to help keep teams connected and efficient across different locations will continue evolving.

4 – Virtual reality in electronics manufacturing 

Virtual reality is trending right now; the first through that comes to your mind might be Facebook and its metaverse, which promises a lot of fun.

However, the electronics manufacturing industry is looking at it to improve its efficiency.

In electronics manufacturing, people refer to this technology as simulation, digital design and integration.

It helps the design engineers inspect the product at real scales, allowing for mistake detection early in the design stage. 

5- TVs are not dead

Let’s be honest, who is still watching cable TV or waiting for a specific hour of the day for a show; very few.

Many thought that TVs would disappear as cellphones, laptops, and tablets continued to improve screen resolution, and streaming services like Netflix and Disney+ continued growing in popularity.

Who needs a TV? Well, companies showed TVs could also innovate, and while things like cable TV might be dying, our beloved big black boxes (thin rectangles by now) are not.

Today, TVs can do much more than provide news and TV shows. It can have in-built intelligent functions that make them perform a computer’s tasks.

The estimated revenue from the smart TV market is predicted to reach 134 million by 2025.

Read More: How to Recycle Old Electronics