Types of Electric Generators

Types of Electric Generators

Last Updated on June 2, 2023 by

Before renting or buying a generator, it’s important to know the types of generators available in the market. So, let’s check them out one by one.

But before we start, let’s see what an electric generator is

Power generators are responsible for generating electrical energy through mechanical energy. This equipment is very useful for supplying electricity anywhere on any occasion, for any kind of business, from construction sites to hospitals, and even houses.

Above all, generators help to maintain electricity during prolonged blackouts.

What types of electric generators are there?

Not all electric generators are the same. Depending on your electrical energy needs and your budget, some will serve you and cover your needs more than others. Below, we present the most common types of electric power generators.

Electric fuel generators

These generators are also called standby generators; they provide electricity during natural disasters or power failures. They are generally portable and can run on different types of fuel such as diesel, biodiesel, propane, and natural gas.

This type of generator engine obtains its energy from a fuel, such as gasoline or diesel, although there are other fuel options available. It’s important to consider that not all fuels offer you the same advantages. Diesel generators are usually considered one of those that offer the highest performance, quality, and application possibilities.

Generators for construction

Generators for construction are designed to power a variety of power tools and air compressors in construction or remodeling businesses. They work with diesel or gasoline. They are more portable than standby generators, but they don’t produce as much electricity.

Sustainable generators

Natural resources can be harnessed to produce electricity. There are electricity generators that use windmills, water turbines and even solar energy. Water turbines are the most used today and are the most efficient.

Photovoltaic electric generators

Photovoltaic solar energy is achieved by converting sunlight into electrical current through the use of solar panels. The most positive thing about this type of electrical energy is that it comes from an inexhaustible source, sunlight, and does not pollute, contributing to sustainable development. It is common in isolated and rural areas where power lines do not reach, or electricity reaches with difficulty, where they receive enough sunlight.

Electromechanical electrical generators

This type of electric generator works through the interaction of its main components: the static part and the moving part. When an electrical generator operates, you can see that one of the parts creates a magnetic flux, which fulfills the function of the inductor, so that the other converts it into electricity, fulfilling the role of the armature. These types of generators are typical for the industrial sector, and their energy transformation capacity is remarkable, which is usually high, as well as their diversification and efficiency.

Read also: Generator rental

Thermal generators

Its main function is to carry out the transformation of thermal energy to convert it into electrical energy. This generator directly converts the energy that comes from heat, which is the source it uses to obtain this type of electrical energy.

Read More: Diesel Generator vs Gasoline: What You Should Know