What Plant Fertilizers Are on the Market?

Plant Fertilizers

Last Updated on August 5, 2023 by

Whether you grow tomatoes outdoors or indoor orchids, all plants need a regular supply of nutrients. Without it, your harvest will not be as good as you want because the plants will slow down their growth. The choice of Plant fertilizers on the market is huge, and it is easy to get confused about the compositions and types. Each plant nutrition product has its own advantages and disadvantages. Before choosing, decide for which type of plants you need fertilizer, as well as which form of the product will be most convenient to use.

Key Differences Between Nutrients 

In addition to cost, the types of fertilizers on the market have different purposes, compositions, and forms.

1. Plant type

The same product is unlikely to be equally good for both carrots and violets, so manufacturers offer a vast selection of fertilizers for different plants. A certain option contains the optimal ratio of elements necessary for a particular type of plant.

  • All-purpose Plant fertilizers have a balanced, gentle nutrient composition that will work for most of your plants. However, it is worth noting that you cannot use the same product for the garden and house plants. While plants in the garden can get some of the critical elements for growth from the soil, indoor plants require a greater concentration of micro- and macroelements. Useful substances are limited and quickly absorbed by the root system from the soil in a pot.
  • Therefore, the best solution is to choose one product for the outdoor garden and the other for indoor plants.
  • There are many fertilizer options for flowering plants. Such products have a higher concentration of phosphorus. You can see the N-P-K ratio on the packaging. The second number shows the percentage of that element.
  • To support the health and growth of canabis, are also on the market. You can choose a low pH product for each growth stage, guaranteeing a bountiful harvest.
  • Cacti and succulents require especially careful feeding because an incorrectly selected product can lead to diseases. Fertilizers created for these plants have a lower amount of nitrogen and often contain calcium, iron, and magnesium in their composition.

2. Organic or synthetic

Organic fertilizers are made based on animal and vegetable waste. They better mimic the natural environment in which plants grow. Their use minimizes the risk of fertilizer burns. Experts recommend using organic products. However, they do have their disadvantages. The first is the higher cost compared to synthetic nutrients. Some options have an unpleasant odor, which can be a temporary inconvenience if you feed organics to houseplants.

The second type of fertilizer on the market contains elements synthesized in the laboratory. Such products are cheaper and have a high concentration of nutrients. Therefore, to reduce the risk of burns with Plant fertilizers, they should be used with extreme caution.

3. Form of fertilizer

Fertilizers can be sold as liquid or granules and made in the form of powders or pressed sticks.

  • Liquid fertilizers are concentrates that must be mixed with water according to the instructions. This form is the most convenient and common. The main advantage is that the liquid product allows you to control the number of nutrients added to the soil.
  • Granular and compressed Plant fertilizers are added to the soil and slowly nourish the plants, releasing micro- and macroelements in small amounts. This is an excellent choice for those who want to feed plants less often. However, it will be more difficult to determine how much nutrients have been washed out during watering and how much has been absorbed by the root system.

Your Garden Needs More Than Just Sunlight and Water 

Experienced gardeners know how important feeding is. There is a wide range of products with the necessary set of nutrients. You are sure to find the best fertilizer for your garden. No need to choose the complex with the richest composition. Select nutrients according to the type of plants you care for. 

Do you buy ready-made feeding complexes or make them yourself? Share your experience in the comments!

Apart from this, if you are interested to know about Five Benefits of Liquid Fertilizer You Must Know then visit our Lifestyle category.