10 Ways to Save Money on Toys for Kids

10 Ways to Save Money on Toys for Kids

Last Updated on April 14, 2023 by

Parents love to splurge on toys for kids. It goes without saying but toys make kids happy and keep them entertained for hours. But this doesn’t mean parents should get carried off and buy anything and everything. Let’s not forget there will be times when you will be in need of money so always spend carefully. Read on to discover ways to save money on toys for kids

1. Avoid Over Purchasing

The best method to save some money on car toys for kids is making sure to set a limit by not paying for more than what is needed. Stick to a financial plan and plan your expenses before shopping to save money. Children don’t need a whole truck full of toys. When parents buy too many baby toys this makes them unappreciative and even fussy at times. As a parent you want to teach discipline and learn to be happy with whatever they have. We all want the kids to have fun.

2. Purchase Quality Toys for kids

It is a common mistake to buy cheap baby doll toys which will last a few weeks only. These toys are prone to breakage and this will be a complete waste of money. High quality toys available at Leyjao.pk will trigger child’s imagination. These toys for kids don’t operate on batteries which mean the child has to engage and use imagination. 

3. Purchase Slightly Used Car Toys 


There is no shame in buying used items. Parents can look for second hand shops by asking friends or checking online. Such toys for kids can be found through social media groups, local stores and shops.  Make sure to check the review of every girls toys you purchase before you pay from second-hand platforms. Some sellers can be quite deceptive and tend to quote the same price as the new ones. Always keep your guard down. 


4. Purchase on Clearance

One of the best ways to save money on toys for kids is to buy them when prices are low. The ideal time to find blockbuster discounts on boys toys can be during the holiday seasons, such as Eid. For example, if your kids love blocks, you can head to leading online stores such as Leyjao.pk, where you will find Lego Sets and pay for them at 50 percent off. You can even plan to stock the items and save them to give as birthday gifts!

5. Borrow Toys from Friends


Children tend to get bored quite easily which is why toys for kids outgrow very fast. You must have noticed how that toy purchased three months ago is now lying at a corner in the room. Due to their short attention span they want something more advanced that would capture interest for a longer duration. One remedy is to borrow baby toys. This is also useful because toys that you purchased for the baby will hardly be used. At this age it is best to invest in a few quality baby doll toys according to age. Many parents complain they don’t know who to approach in this regard. You must first reach out to relatives and friends with kids. It is possible to get toys for kids. Some parents are reluctant to give away their toys even when kids are older. This happens because they feel a certain connection with those baby toys. If this is the situation then you can look on social media pages where it is advertised buy and sell. Sometimes parents are giving away their stuff for free.  When a family is moving overseas they tend to give away their stuff. It is also a great opportunity for you to cash in. 

6. Use Discount Vouchers to Buy Toys for Kids

Always keep a lookout for vouchers while shopping online as this is a great chance to save money and get boys toys at a very affordable price point. You can save for birthdays and other special occasions in this way. Just be mindful to check for coupons every time you want to buy something online. Mothers are surrounded by so many issues. It can get tough to keep a track on all things. A little planning goes a long way.

Every savings from the gift cards, coupons and sales gives you a chance to save more. 

7. Buy on Sale

Every season there will be huge sale and during the end of season, sales are expected to be as high as 50%. You can find many online sites that offer sale on car toys for kids on different brands. One of the best ways to get a good offer is by 

Mixing deals with coupons and using a discounted voucher to pay for those fancy girls toys. Getting a good bargain will be quite an achievement so make sure to be on the lookout.

8. Purchase with Coupons

There are many shopping sites which offer coupons and irresistible deals. They offer pretty much on everything from toys for kids, baby doll toys, board games etc. Generally, they are more common during festive seasons like Eid and winter sales, but you will still find some during another period too. Online sites and Google list all the available deals, and also the sales. These are not paid posts so you can expect honest reviews. The biggest problem encountered when buying online is facing scams. However, leyjao.pk is one shopping platform that we can easily vouch for. 

9. Plan an outdoor trip

Kids have tremendous amount of energy and as parents you must look for ways to channel it. One way is by giving them car toys that keeps boys occupied. Working parents feel overwhelmed and have little to no option left when they have to plan their kids activities. Another option is to plan outdoor activities. A trip to the beach or a park will give the child plenty of ways to utilize their energy. There are swings in the park where they can play. At the end of the day you get a happy child at zero cost.


10. Build Toys for Kids

The use of the Internet has opened up a number of opportunities. Look for DIY tutorials and videos online to learn ways you can make interesting girls toys. What is great about this is you don’t have to spend a lot of money and kids will enjoy a lot. There are sites like Pinterest that have many ideas for kids to enjoy for hours.


 We hope you enjoyed reading this article and have all the right information to make an informed decision. Buying toys for kids for yourself or a friend can often become very confusing.  This is why you have plenty of online toy shops in Pakistan that can guide you in this regard. You will find a wide collection that showcases toy collection for boys and girls of all age groups. 

This recent development is quite helpful for working parents. You can easily order from the comfort of your home. Having said that we all know how difficult it is to purchase online when you haven’t seen the item, you never know what will arrive in the parcel. To make it easier you must always read reviews left by customers. This will further help you making a well informed decision. At the end of the day, we expect to get the best value for our money. We wish all our readers a fantastic online shopping experience.