African Clothing For Women – Styles and Patterns

African Clothing For Women

Last Updated on March 12, 2024 by Nasir Hanif

African clothing for women has a number of styles and patterns that are available. They include Djellaba, Isidwaba, Kanzus, and Dashiki. There are also casual wear and church wear.


Dashiki is an African clothing item worn by both men and women. It is usually a loose fitting, sleeveless shirt or pullover.

The dashiki originated in West Africa. In the twentieth century, it began to be popular in the United States. Many rappers and hippies wore them as a symbol of counterculture pride.

Initially, the dashiki was a practical garment used by African males as a work tunic. During the Civil Rights Movement, the garment became a symbol of Black cultural identity. However, in the 60s, the fervor for the style diminished.


An isidwaba is a traditional Zulu dress. It has been around since the nineteenth century and is still in vogue among Zulu men and women. The most impressive part of this dress is the fact that it is made from authentic calfskin. This material is softened with animal fat and charcoal and then stitched together. The best part is that the material is so lightweight that it does not require a ton of energy to maintain it.

There are several other types of traditional African clothing for women. Some of the most common include the flowing kaftan, the aforementioned isidwaba and the amabheshu.


Djellaba is a long, loose-fitting hooded garment that has become a staple of northern African fashion. While djellabas are traditionally made of wool, lighter versions are becoming increasingly popular. In addition to its traditional material, djellaba’s come in a variety of colors, depending on the setting.

Djellaba is most often associated with Muslims, but it’s worn by both male and female. Women typically wear the fanciest kaftans, which are usually crafted from fine silk or other luxury fibers. Men are more likely to sport a light-colored, full-sleeved djellaba, paired with babouches, or yellow thongs.


The Kanzu is the national dress of the Baganda people of Uganda. It is made from cotton, silk or poplin and features the most important component, a lion’s head. This is a homage to the Kiganda/Ugandan kanzu which was introduced to the Buganda kingdom by Arab traders. These days, the kanzu is manufactured in the United Arab Emirates.

There are a few variations to the kanzu. For instance, there is the grand boubou which uses 300 cm long fabrics. The other version is the gomesi which is a more recent addition to the Buganda culture.


Zulu African clothing for women is an intriguing mix of traditional and modern style. Traditionally, Zulu women wore a skirt made of pliable leather, lubricated with fat. Today, the skirts have evolved to include other fabrics. They are now also worn by single women.

The traditional Zulu outfit has many golden and beaded decorations. These are used for ceremonies. Also, the skirt is trimmed with a rich profusion of brass buttons.

Some Zulu women cover their breasts with a beaded bra. This is a part of the Ukweshwama ceremony, which takes place at the end of the summer season. It is believed to transfer energy to the Zulu king.

Church wear

For a long time Africans used dress as a signifier of social status. Symbolic interactionist theory helped to shed light on this by suggesting that women used dress as an outward manifestation of their inner beliefs.

There are many facets to dress, from what to wear to what not to wear. But when it comes to church attire, what you wear can make a difference in your overall experience. The key is knowing when to switch out your high heels for kitten heels.

The proper church dress can be as simple as a solid colored top. In fact, many churches are now allowing jeans to be worn by their leaders. You may even want to wear a necklace or pendant to match your outfit.

Casual wear

African clothing for women isn’t just for formal occasions. You can wear casual African dresses, shirts, or caftans for everyday wear, and for informal events. This will help you to stand out from the crowd.

If you’re going to church, you’ll want to choose clothing that’s stylish yet comfortable. You don’t want to overdo it, so try to keep the styling simple. It can also be fun to add a pop of color with accessories or footwear.

The first forms of wholesale boutique clothing were hides, skins, and furs. Accessories included pressed metal, bells, bones, seashells, and feathers.

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