What Kinds of amenities do coworking spaces provide to their Clients on a Work Day?

    amenities do coworking spaces
    amenities do coworking spaces

    Last Updated on January 29, 2022 by rida

    Generally, it can be seen that an organisation aims to progress and flourish as one of the most successful corporations in its respective sector. Ironically, it can also be seen that the employees of any organisation aim to stay advanced and well ahead of their peers and wish they could flourish as the most successful person in their social circle. Although these are two parallel pathways, they run in one direction contributing to the organization as a whole. The employees, be it white collared or blue collared are all the running wheels of the corporation. And what determines their loyalty and dedication is how well their organisation treats them. Only if the employees are productive and enthusiastic, will the organisation truly flourish. Therefore, the human resources team is always looking for methods to inject more productivity into its employees. One of the most important tools to boost productivity is to opt for a coworking space in Bangalore rather than an archaic and outdated private office.

    But a shared office space must be equipped with certain facilities so as to fulfil this purpose. A plug and play office should really be a place of plug and play (pun intended). It must be a colourful and joyful setting that catalyses the working process of individuals and boosts their mental processes. However, here is a list of amenities that coworking spaces  provide to their clients on a work day

    1. Power supply :- Our life is unimaginable if electricity is cut off from us. And when our mode of working is online then current is the most important prerequisite. Power cuts are common in metropolitan cities and can be a major hurdle while working. Our coworking spaces are equipped with  assured power supply for hassle free working experience. All the power cuts are managed so as to minimize its effects on our clients.
    2. Internet connectivity:- Another major necessity for working nowadays is a stable, reliable and secure internet connection. iKeva offers fast speed and unlimited access to the internet to all our members for the best working experience. 
    3. IT support in terms of hardware:- A day at work may require various devices and gadgets like scanner, printer, camera, fingerprint sensor etc. Installing and managing all of them at a domestic place is difficult -. So when  using a shared workspace, you don’t have to worry about this. You can freely use all these amenities available at the office anytime. 
    4. IT support in terms of technical software:- Hardware is only one aspect of IT support. It is incomplete without software that includes platforms, websites, IDs, networking and digital marketing tools. We always keep our systems up to date and hire memberships of websites generally required by working professionals. 
    5. Ergonomic furniture:- Tiredness, body pain, bad posture, eyesight issues are all a common list of problems generally associated with working professionals.  We take necessary steps to minimize the ill effects of occupational hazards. Our furniture is built to enhance the body posture, like the tables and chairs. The lighting and brightness of the interior is such that it has little or no effect on the eyesight of the individual. 
    6. Cleanliness and sanitation:- It is the most important aspect of living hygienically. Our janitorial staff is always taking care of cleanliness and sanitization of the entire campus to make it a pleasant experience for you. 
    7. Meeting room:- Sometimes a meeting room or conference hall is necessary to conduct important conversations and  decentralised decision making.  Coworking spaces provide complimentary meeting rooms to our clients to ensure they feel   like it’s their own office.  Most coworking spaces are equipped with a projector, mic and all the other facilities required for uninterrupted meetings.
    8. Cafeteria or restaurant:- For a feeling of being a close knit colleague and community, a place  for bonding and interaction other than professional communication is necessary. To thaw the ice between individuals and give them the warmth and homely feeling, e plug and play offices have cafeteria/break rooms or recreational areas , where you can take a short break from work and  recharge your energies.
    9. Refreshments and beverages:- An ideal coworking space  provides snacks and beverages like coffee  tea and cold drinks for a soothing experience in a hectic work schedule. This can rejuvenate you and boost your productivity.
    10. Community membership and association :- The most outstanding amenity that shared workspaces provide is that they connect you to like minded professionals and associate you with people you can learn from and grow with. Friendships and community membership teaches us life skills helpful to excel in our respective career. A private office cuts you off from the outer world and hence a bunch of memorable experiences like celebrations, outings and development conferences. 

    Therefore, a shared office space isn’t only a place where you go for bread and butter, but it gradually becomes a part of your identity and enhances your persona in every possible way. Be it an introvert or a leader, coworking space is the best outlet to showcase your skills, discover your talents, embrace your flaws and become the best version of yourself. If you want your employee’s productivity to skyrocket so that you can harness it to develop your organisation, visit iKeva for the coworking space that suits you. Instead of investing loads of money and efforts into creating your own space and diverging into a whirl of expenditures and liabilities, you can always think about enrolling at iKeva that can overcome all the shortcomings of a private office, yet give you a feel of your own space.