Apps That Will Help Small Textile Businesses Grow

Textile Businesses

Last Updated on February 11, 2023 by Faiza Murtaza

The textile industry is one large industry, especially in India. Today several people are joining this industry and are looking to make their textile businesses grow. One common thing in running any business is having a plan and managing it well.

The initial time of a new venture can be very demanding, and one needs to be on top of all aspects of the business. 

Apps That Will Help Small Textile Businesses Grow

Getting into the textile business is lovely but comes with many challenges, especially with so many competitors around who have been in the industry for so long.

To make your textile businesses boom, we bring some of the best apps for textile businesses to help you manage your business well and handle work of all kinds most easily and conveniently.

Best Apps For Textile Business


No matter which aspect of the textile business you are joining, Lio will help you with everything in each phase of the company. The well-developed application offers various templates depending on the multiple requirements of a person and the kind of business one is doing.

Each template has specific categories depending upon the templates and the different use cases people might have. 

With Lio App, you can save all your data in one place without worrying about losing or misplacing it anywhere. Add all kinds of data here like customer, clients details, machines requirements, important documents, contacts, business plans, attendance of employees, employee information and any information that you want.

You can also collaborate with other people on the templates sitting in different locations as the app offers real-time changes. 


This is one of the best textile business management solutions apps that help manage the business from any place.

There are several benefits of using the application like reducing deadstock, increasing profit, easily follow-ups, not losing money due to inefficiency and saving 12 to 15 hours per week.


There are several features of Vastra like design catalogues, sales orders, purchase inwards, production job slips, sales order status, product insights and more. With the help of Vastra, you can boost your brand and take it to new heights.

Textile Learner

This is one of the best and the largest textile websites globally. It is very popular and one of the most comprehensive resources for all the students and practitioners in the textile industry.

You can get all apparel and textile related information, and it is perfect for students, professors, designers, scholars and everyone else interested. 

Learn A to Z about this field with the help of this application. It was developed with the intent of providing accurate knowledge about this industry.

It is exactly like a blog that gives out a lot of information. You can use this platform to post things related to textiles, PGP reports, news and everything else.

Hello Textile

One of the most significant B2B and social media platforms is all about sales and purchases in the textile industry. With this app, you can locate several customers and manufacturers in the textile industry.

Hello Textile

Apart from this, you would also be able to get raw materials and finished products from across the world. The app makes selling and busying super easy and available at your fingertips. 

Hello textile is very beneficial for anybody in the industry who purchases and markets products like fibre, yarn and fabrics.


Paytm is definitely one of the most popular applications in India, which is widely used by a large number of people all over the country. Paytm has made payment very easy for everyone.

It has solved the problem of people who need to make an instant payment to someone sitting in some other part of the country. You can add money to your Paytm wallet from your bank account and make payments as and when you need. You can also link your bank accounts to your account and make direct payments from here.

Paytm is safe and convenient to use. Not just transferring money, you can make all sorts of payments with the help of this like landline, electricity, mobile phone etc.

You can also book your tickets for the train, bus etc. Paytm is definitely one of the best apps for all businessmen who need to make things done quickly for different vendors and customers.


If you are in the textile business, one of the most beneficial apps for you is Amazon. It is a very popular app and one of the industry giants all over the world.


With the help of Amazon, you can sell your textile to people sitting in different parts of the country and even the world.  Your product would be visible to people from all walks of life and would reach a larger audience with the help of Amazon. 

Hence making an account on Amazon and selling your products there would be very beneficial.

Apart from that, if you want to know about Digital Textile Printing Machines then visit our Business category.