Ayurveda For Women’s Health


Last Updated on March 12, 2024 by admin

There are a lot of issues and ailments that women face, which includes menstrual and premenstrual pain, anaemia, acne and others. Although allopathic therapeutics are available for all the problems, it is always great to takeayurvedic treatments as Ayurvedacan control and prevent all the common issues that women naturally go through. Let’s dig in and have a look at some medicinal herbs that can give you comfort.


  • For Menstrual Pain & Discomfort

To stay fit, you are required to exercise daily and stay fit. This leads to panchakarma, which is the rejuvenation of mind and soul. However, during your menstrual phase, you can exercise and rest. But, prefer doing yoga asanas as it can also relieve menstrual pain. Some of those asanas are janu sirsasana (forward bend), ustrasana (camel pose) and bhujangasana (the cobra pose).

Do not eat fried, oily and spicy food as it can lead to constipation and bloating. I prefer consuming green vegetables, which can be ingested easily and are not too heavy to digest.

  • For Premenstrual Pain

The Ayurvedic doctor suggests eating homemade and healthy food always. Avoiding alcohol and smoking is the best way to prevent Premenstrual pain. Maintaining a healthy balanced diet will make way for regular bowel movements. Ayurveda in Australia suggests taking chilled showers and consuming many liquids to keep the premenstrual pain in control.

  • Ayurvedic Treatment For Anaemia

55% of women are prone to anaemia. It’s the most common among women from India. This issue doesn’t fade away quickly. Initially, women tend to ignore the symptoms until a deficiency arises. However, this condition can be treated with aloe vera, amla and Boerhaavia diffusa or Punarnava.

Anaemia, which is caused due to the deficiency of iron, you should try consuming food that is rich in iron. Include nuts and apples too. You can also add lemon drops to the apple juice, leading to an increase in iron in the body.

  • Ayurvedic Treatment For Obesity & Acne

Guggulu and Punarnava are two essential Ayurvedic herbs that help in reducing the overall weight. It is also very vital to follow a balanced diet with regular workout to prevent obesity. Following a strict exercise schedule can be super beneficial for health.

Acne makes your skin look weak and ugly and also leaves scars on your face. But, you can treat it with many Ayurvedic ways such as sandalwood, turmeric, curd, neem etc.

  • Menopausal Issues

The Sundari kalp is the best for menopause. This eases the transition of menopause and cleanses your blood. Women should ingest foods rich in calcium. Practising yoga and eating healthy should be the mantra during the menopause issue.


A woman is one of the most precious creatures curated by God. It is essential to look after your health and take proper care. Ayurvedic solutions are the best to treat health issues in a woman without causing any harm.

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