9 Unexpected Benefits of Playing Piano as A Kid That You Don’t Know

9 Unexpected Benefits of Playing Piano as A Kid That You Don't Know
Little girl watching online lesson tutorial how to learn a synthesizer indoor.

Last Updated on August 19, 2022 by

Playing Piano as A Kid That You Don't Know

A vast majority of kids are attracted to the piano. Fortunately, the benefits that this offers go beyond the entertainment that the piano offers.  By learning to play piano as a youngster, there are many other amazing benefits that you get.

Here are some of the unexpected benefits of learning the piano as a kid

1. Helps with stress relief

There are instances where kids can be seriously stressed, and they can mitigate this by playing the piano.  A few hours of playing the piano helps to boost self-esteem, make the child have a positive outlook, and reduce blood pressure.

2. Split concentration

Many children suffer from divided attention and learning to play piano, can help them improve their concentration. To play this instrument, the kids will need to use their hands, listen to the notes, and read music. This helps to build the child’s ability to focus and concentrate more.

3. Promotes neuroplasticity

This is the ability of the brain to develop, and also recognize synaptic connections, especially when it comes to responding to experiences or learning after suffering an injury. The brain of a child can be altered positively by playing the piano. The structural changes that will happen to the child’s brain stay with them forever.

4. Improves school performance

Children who take a piano lesson and play more regularly achieve better cognitive development than those who don’t. Children who play more instrumental music score better in school.

5. It’s beneficial for physical health

The piano is played using the hands and fingers, and this contributes to making the muscles stronger.  It assists in sharpening motor skills, betters hand-eye coordination as well as improving dexterity.

6. Leads to better aural awareness

Aural awareness helps you to recognize good music from bad music. It also makes you differentiate between great musical tones and chords, among others. It also builds your sense of understanding the pitch.

7. Constructive criticism

When kids play the piano, they get feedback from their trainers. This can be in the form of constructive criticisms. Being criticized is never fun, and when offered understandably, the learner will be in a position to accept it and positively take the feedback. This ability to accept criticism can help respond to everyday criticism in school, at home, and about life in general.

8. Helps the kid to live a more beautiful life

Music is powerful and piano music, to be very specific brings out robust emotions in both the player and the listener. The piano, in its basic design, was built to reflect human emotions, an s well as feeling, and this explains why people respond to piano music with sorrow, joy, or wonder depending on the situation.

9. Helps the kid to develop motor skills

The development of basic motor skills is necessary for the holistic growth of a child. Children who suffer from motor control challenges may find it hard to play the piano, but with time, the child will experience lots of improvement and will find better ways of dealing with those problems.