CA125 Test For Ovarian Cancer Detection

Ovarian Cancer Detection

Last Updated on July 11, 2024 by Asfa Rasheed

Cancers are generally known to be abnormal cells that grow in the body. Their growth is, however, out of control. Usually, their names are derived from the body they begin to grow before extending to other parts. As a result, ovarian cancer begins from the ovaries, and testing them for detection can be carried out in different ways, such as the CA125 test. When doctors detect this cancer type early, treating them works best. Therefore, paying attention to the body is vital for finding out what is best for the body.

What is CA125 Test For Ovarian Cancer Detection?

Cancer Antigens 125, always shortened as CA125, is a measurement test that helps measure the protein amount CA125 in the human blood. Apart from CA125 application on ovarian cancer detection, they can also monitor other specific cancers during and after treatment. On the other hand, the CA125 test is adopted to track early symptoms and signs of ovarian cancers in individuals with a higher risk of cancer.

However, there may not be enough accuracy, in general, using the CA125 test for ovarian cancer screening. This is because different noncancerous conditions can increase the level of CA125 level. Several conditions can increase the level of CA125, even normal conditions such as menstrual flow and noncancerous conditions like uterine fibroids. Furthermore, there may be a rise in the level of CA125 due to certain cancers such as a fallopian tube, ovarian, and endometrial cancers. Others may also include peritoneal cancer.

Why do you need CA125 Test For Ovarian Cancer Detection?

Different reasons may surround warrant your doctor to recommend using the CA125 Test For Ovarian Cancer Detection. These reasons maybe

Checking can er reoccurrence

Treatment after detecting ovarian cancer may not mean it will not reoccur. When there is a rise in the level of CA125, it may be a signal of ovarian cancer recurrence, even after you have treated it. Timely monitoring of the CA125 has not enough evidence that the results for people living with ovarian cancer can lead to extra chemotherapy or other treatments relating to it.

Ovarian cancer screening for people at high risk

Ovarian cancer can be traceable to family history. For people with this kind of family history or certain gene mutation, such as BRCA 1 or BRCA 2, you may have to undergo the CA 125 test as a way to detect ovarian cancer. For people at higher risk of ovarian cancer, doctors may recommend a CA 125 test and a combination of transvaginal ultrasound. Doctors may, however, schedule these tests every six months using the best ca 125 test kit to get the right and accurate result.

Cancer treatment monitoring

If you have any of the cancers mentioned above, the CA125 test may be recommended to monitor it. This may, however, be a daily basis for proper monitoring of the condition and treatment. Although the treatment and monitoring of this type have not improved the results for people who live with this condition, it may call for other treatments such as chemotherapy.

The level of CA125 may not, however, increase in certain people with ovarian cancers. Also there has not been enough evidence to verify the claim that CA 125 reduces the chances of ovarian cancer death. Doctors may choose to put an individual with an elevated CA125 level to a nonessential test, which may be sometimes dangerous. Should your doctor notice there are chances of developing ovarian or other cancer types, the doctor may recommend a biopsy to collect cell samples.

Performing a CA125 blood test

This test involves using a test kit for collecting a blood sample, typically from a vein in the arm. First, doctors will use antiseptic for cleaning and disinfecting the area. After this, they will wrap an elastic band around the arm. This is because the veins swell with blood. When they find the vein, they will carefully put a needle to draw out blood in a small tube connected to the needle.

After drawing the required amount of blood, removing the needle and covering the puncture site to prevent bleeding come next. The collected blood sample will be forwarded to the laboratory to analyze. Once the analysis is over, you will get an appointment to find out about the outcome of the test.

What does the CA125 test do?

Doctors do not just recommend the CA125 test to screen people with ovarian cancer, except for the high risk. The reason for this is simple. Not all ovarian cancers cause a rise in the CA125 level. On the other hand, there may be a rise in the level of CA125 without having ovarian cancer. People who do not have ovarian cancer or high risk of having it are not recommended for this test. However, a few things may cause a rise in the CA 125 level apart from ovarian cancer. Some of these include

  • Fibroids
  • Mensuration
  • Undergoing a recent surgery
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Liver disease and many others

Furthermore, ovaries, breasts, stomach, and chest lining with healthy normal tissues in the cells can make and release CA125 low levels.


While the CA124 may help detect ovarian cancer, they are not recommended for women who do not have it. However, detecting ovarian cancer using the CA125 test alone may not validate the test result. While this cancer can be deadly when it ruptures or spreads to other parts of the body, it is important to go for important routine tests if you have a high risk.

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