Help Finding Cheap Or Even Free Health Insurance

Help Finding Cheap Or Even Free Health Insurance

Last Updated on March 22, 2024 by Saira Farman

The government of Switzerland requires everyone to have Health insurance coverage. However, the state doesn’t enable the public healthcare program itself. Instead, Individual public healthcare facilitates through several non-profit, Government approved insurance providers. The Swiss Federal Law regulates this system. It ensures that prices are fair and that all residents facilitate the same high-quality care.

Although Switzerland’s healthcare system is among one of the best systems across Europe, it doesn’t always come cheap. So to help you find cheap or even free health insurance, here is a detailed guide on Health Insurance Comparison In Switzerland [Available in French]. This article will aid you in finding your ideal health insurance in Switzerland.

How does Health Insurance in Switzerland Works?

It is compulsory for everyone working in Switzerland to purchase at least a basic public Health Insurance coverage. If you don’t choose within the allotted 90 days, the government can choose a health insurance coverage in place of you. This may land you in some trouble, as it could cost more than your expectation.  

What Are The Cheapest Average Insurance Costs By Canton?

 Although Switzerland does not facilitate any free insurance, you can find cheap insurances quite easily. The most expensive canton, Basel-Stadt, is almost 60% more expensive than the cheapest canton available. The five cheapest average insurance by canton costs are Appenzell Innerrhoden(CHF 348), Nidwalden (CHF 361), Ury (CHF 369), Zug (CHF 376), and Obwalden (CHF 375)

Apart from paying premiums, if you are 18 or over, you should pay a minimum of CHF 300 of your medical expenditure every year. Insurance will facilitate cover for the excess. In addition, you also need to pay 10% of healthcare fees, which caps at CHF 700 and CHF 350 for children.

Unemployed And Low earners

The underpaid and unemployed population can be eligible for a premium reduction in the form of Government subsidy. The government subsidy is facilitated at the local level. Both amounts reduced and eligibility of the candidate differ through the cantons. Generally, you are contacted by your cantonal authority once you post your annual tax return, provided that you are eligible. However, you may also contact your canton to inquire if you think you are eligible for a reduction. 

Can I Buy Private Insurance?

All providers are supposed to offer basic health care on a profit-free basis, and they are allowed to sell private supplemental coverage at any price they deem proper. Expats usually choose their provider not based on the basic insurance plan but based on private coverage.

Patients also have complete freedom to pick their public healthcare provider and the kind of plan they are looking for. When considering cost-sharing methods like co-pay and deductibles (franchise), most plans may be comparatively expensive. Patients are supposed to pay the set deductible at hand before their coverage kicks in. The co-pay then amounts to about 10% of the costs exceeding the deductible. However, the annual co-pay costs cap at a yearly maximum.

Swiss healthcare compared to other countries.

Swiss healthcare is renowned for its exceptional healthcare, but it may not come for cheap. With a high standard of health care comes high medical treatment prices. In 2018, globally, Switzerland took second place (12.2% of GDP) behind the United States (16.9% of GDP) in the share of national income spent on healthcare. 

Despite the federal government’s attempts to control them, costs continue to climb. Health insurance premiums are rising in accord with the costs. In 2016 average health insurance premium increased by 4% nationally while few rose by over 20%. The average premium has also risen by 40% in the past ten-year period.

What is the difference between insurance plans and prices all across Switzerland?

Prices and plans may differ depending on the canton of residence. This is because cantons have different levels of cantonal government funding and health infrastructure. Cantons can be divided into zones in accord with different premiums, as well. Swiss cantons with mountains are well known to have multiple active and healthy residents and sometimes even have lower premiums.

What are the treatment costs that are covered?

Basic health insurance generally does not facilitate coverage for some eye care, dental treatment, or complementary medical treatment like osteopathy, but you can consider private coverage if you require these.

We hope to have made the health insurance comparison in Switzerland easier for you. This article covers everything you need to know about cheap and free health insurance available in Switzerland. We highly recommend you carefully go through the wide range of options available to you so that you can land the short-term health insurance package that suits your unique situation the best.

Read also: Top 5 best traveler spots to visit in Switzerland