Circuit Breaker Won’t Reset & What To Do?

Circuit Breaker Won’t Reset & What To Do?

Last Updated on March 3, 2022 by

Circuit breaks and tripped fuses are common in every household, and it often happens when multiple appliances are running simultaneously. But what if your tripped circuit breakers don’t reset?

Here are a few things you can try yourself if your circuit breakers keep tripping and won’t regain normalcy.

Ensure Whether You Are Resetting the Breaker Properly

Yes, you may immediately retort, “Yes, of course, I am sure!” But it’s necessary to take the right steps to reset your tripped fuses. For instance, make sure that you are turning on the right switch, especially when there are multiple fuse lines for each of your rooms. While resetting, you should push the breaker’s handle firmly to the off position before turning it on.

Determine Whether It’s a Short Circuit

Sometimes, tripped circuit breakers may result from short circuits, especially when they trip immediately and won’t reset easily. Short circuits occur when there is overheating in the wire. Thanks to the circuit breaker, it has saved a major electrical issue, a broken appliance, or a fire hazard by acting as a safety mechanism for controlling your electricity usage.

Whenever you feel a tripped circuit breaker results from a short circuit, wait for a licensed electrician in Burleigh Heads to come and have a check.

Replace the Circuit Breaker

Frequent circuit breaker trippings may also result from faulty or old breakers. Try replacing them by hiring a professional and licensed electrical expert. Never try to work on the main panel yourself as it may cause dangerous accidents. While replacing the breaker, ensure that the electric power is turned off. Attach the new breaker after detaching the old one safely.

After replacing the breaker, turn it on. If it switches on, you are good to go. But if it trips again, there may be some other issue in your wiring system and it needs a thorough diagnosis on the part of a licensed technician.

Check Whether the Circuit is Overloaded

Circuit overcrowding may be a major reason your fuse has been tripped. For instance, if you run multiple appliances simultaneously, especially those requiring high voltages, the circuit will experience overloads, thus resulting in the circuit breaker tripping as a safety measure to prevent fire hazards.

Allow the breaker to cool down for some time and then turn it on again. Otherwise, it may trip again. To avoid such situations, avoid plugging in too many devices and appliances into your outlets.

Also, avoid using overcrowded outlets through extension cords or multi-pin sockets. It’s better to unplug a few things from one outlet and plug them into an empty or an unused one for more balanced performance. However, it may also happen when using a faulty appliance in the concerned outlet. So, try diagnosing the issue first before taking any action.

Final Words

An experienced and licensed electrician in Burleigh Heads will always ensure that the safety of the homeowners comes first while handling any crucial electrical work on your property. This is why we advise you to consult only specialized wiremen from well-known companies like Connection Electrical. They have the right skills to manage your wiring structures and determine any faulty electrical lines.

Read More: What Are the Different Types of Circuit Breakers That Exist Today?