Conception About Electric Process Heaters

Electric Process Heaters

Last Updated on January 13, 2023 by

Electric process heaters use electricity to raise the temperature of gases and liquids within process systems. Depending on the application, electric heaters may be used for direct and indirect heating skid, making them a remarkably versatile heating option. To assist you find the best electric heater for your requirements, we have compiled a compact summary of electric heater systems and their well-known uses.

Types of Electric Process Heaters

Electric process heaters are available in two discrete styles: immersion and circulation heaters. Heat control is critical to various processes, from melting metals into formable copals to superheating gases and inducing chemical reactions. Each type grants discrete advantages and disadvantages for particular applications.

Immersion Heaters

Electric immersion heaters are appliances generally applied in an intensive industrial context, which heat water (or any other materials) using an electrical heating component. They are ideal for applications requiring high-temperature control and the ability to stand alone as simple components. They are suitable for use in a wide range of industries, from the petroleum and chemical industry to the paper and pulp industry. The process heater is also referred to as an immersion heater and the electric immersion heater.

Industrial electric immersion heaters achieve high temperatures at relatively low temperatures in various materials, including water, oils, fuels, and solvents. They are highly efficient compared to most standard heating processes and have the ability to maintain a precise temperature range even under demanding conditions. They have several advantages over their gas-fired counterparts. First, they are more efficient because of the increased ability to generate steam through electrical heating processes.

Circulation Heaters

Circulation heaters refer to a specialized class of heating appliances that utilize the convection process to transfer heat from a fluid to a fixed or circulating media such as air, water, or steam. The most common application is in air conditioning, where they are often used in liquid cooling systems. They are generally classified into two types; gas circulation heaters and electric circulation heaters. Gas circulation heaters use a flue or other internal venting system to move heated air through a closed system of tubes or cylinders that transport the heated fluid to the appropriate location. The heated air is passed through a small electric motor for an electric heater, which converts the electrical current to heat. Electric heaters require no flue to move the hot air and may therefore be more cost-efficient.

Electric Thermal Fluid Systems

Thermal fluid heating is a type of auxiliary heating in which a liquid stage heat transfer medium is heated and distributed to one or more heating energy users within a closed-loop system. Glycol, Thermal oil, and water are common heat transfer mediums for these systems. A circulation heater can be used as a heat source for these closed-loop thermal fluid systems. 


When picking the best electric process heater for your application, it is crucial to acknowledge the requirements and constraints of your equipment. Be sure to consider the following key factors, i.e., fluid flow rate, process temperature, thermal properties, the footprint for Space, and other physical constraints must be considered when concluding the heater’s size and positioning.