Don’t Recycle Your Plastics The Wrong Way. Here’s How To Do It


Last Updated on February 13, 2024 by Nasir Hanif

Recycling your plastics is a great way to contribute to environmental conservation. However, you shouldn’t just throw any of your plastics in the recycling bin; bottles could be returned to the bottle depot in Calgary or elsewhere. Learn about plastic recycling in this article.

recycle plastic the right way

You must know which plastics can be recycled and which must be thrown out. But after you’ve grasped these essential aspects, you’ll contribute to trash reduction.

Plastic waste that isn’t recycled ends up in landfills, burned, or in the ocean. Carbon dioxide, created when plastics are burned, causes the overall energy imbalance that raises the Earth’s temperature. Depending on the type, plastic can take anywhere from five to 600 years to degrade in a landfill. A plastic bottle that could be returned to a bottle recycling depot in Calgary takes 450 years on average to break down.

How to recycle plastic

It’s more complicated than you may imagine recycling plastic. Before disposing of the containers in the trash, you must rinse away any food or liquids other than water from the containers. The recycling facility could send the entire batch of plastics to a landfill if a single piece of dirty plastic contaminates a load of other plastics. Verify that the label says “crush to conserve” before recycling plastic bottles. If so, remove the cap and twist and push the bottle from the top to crush it. Put the bottle’s lid back on once it has been crushed so it can also be recycled. Return the bottles to bottle depot Calgary or elsewhere.

Learn which plastics can be recycled.

Plastics are not created equally. A lot of people throw all of their plastics in the recycling bin without even considering whether or not they are recyclable. The workers will throw it in the trash if the recycling centre does not accept it as plastic. How, therefore, can you determine which polymers are permitted? To find out if they take them, speak to your neighbourhood recycling business. Many recycling businesses include information on what may and cannot be recycled on their websites. If your neighbourhood waste management firm offers your recycling bin, it might post the details on the outside of the container.

Usually, the bottom of plastic containers will include numerals indicating the type of plastic. For instance, whereas #6 plastics are occasionally accepted, #1 and #2 plastics are virtually always recyclable. In addition, plastic with the word “compostable” must be composted rather than recycled.

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Anything else You can do?

Limiting single-use plastics, such as plastic bottles, is the first step in avoiding plastic waste. Or if you use them. Ensure they are dumped into a return-it bottle recycling depot in Calgary or elsewhere. Choose bottles made of glass or durable plastic, which you may reuse daily. Here are some further suggestions.

  • Replace plastic straws with reusable ones.
  • Use only plastic utensils that can be cleaned and reused.
  • Check to discover whether your neighbourhood grocery shop or recycling facility will accept plastic bags for recycling.
  • Make use of cotton shopping bags.
  • Choose glass or reusable plastic cups in place of squandering Solo cups.
  • Recycle plastics. If we recycled plastic things, we wouldn’t have an issue.
  • Remember that plastic foam cannot be recycled, including those found in egg cartons, packaging, and peanuts. Inquire with local schools to see if they may use any of the large amounts of plastic foam you have lying around your home for projects.


Reduce, Reuse, and recycle in precisely that order! Recycling is a fantastic way to keep things out of landfill, but it should only be used as a last resort. Reducing demand for the source material is the primary and most effective approach to avoid waste going to the landfill. Doing a purchase audit can reduce the number of items you utilise. Determine what items go to the trash and what items you utilise frequently. You can then proceed to make future purchases with knowledge. Try using after reducing first! For fantastic creative reuse ideas, visit our blog. The final option is to recycle and create something new out of everything that cannot be reduced or reused. You need to dump your recyclable containers at the return-it bottle depot in Calgary or elsewhere and play your role in environmental preservation.

Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about wholesale plastic containers: 3 things to know then visit our Lifestyle category.