The Benefits & Drawbacks of Purchasing an Anderson Lower

The Benefits & Drawbacks of Purchasing an Anderson Lower

Last Updated on February 13, 2024 by Nasir Hanif

When looking at the Anderson lower as a product, you get something that does exactly what it says on the tin. It’s not fancy, but you know what you’re going to get from it, with solid, standard levels of performance being on offer.

Perhaps its main benefit is cost, as you get something that does the job without leaving a large hole in your wallet. Typically priced at less than $80 or sometimes even less, so this is very much entry level.

A Stripped Finish

The Anderson lower usually comes with a stripped finish, which allows the gun to be held more comfortably, irrespective of the prevailing weather and environmental conditions. This means you won’t have to put up with your hands slipping when the colder months come around.

The Advantages

So, let’s waste no time in taking a look at the benefits and drawbacks of owning one.

  • Low price: Our first benefit is cost, as there’s perhaps no product out there that performs this well for the price, with only those coming in at over $150 comparing well. Despite being half this price, it’s made from quality materials and clearly manufactured using a sound process.
  • Hard-wearing : Created from heavy-duty aluminum, an Anderson Lower is both light (in terms of weight) and exceptionally durable. Add an anodized coat into the equation and you get a lower that can stand up to all sorts of wear and tear.
  • Versatile : These lowers are classed as ‘multi-cal’, which essentially means that each one forms part of an AR-15 setup that’s highly customizable. So, it’s one of many components that you can swap in and out when you feel like upgrading certain parts of it. It’s compatible with a range of guns, providing lots of freedom to experiment.
  • Mil-spec machining : another advantage relating to compatibility with other firearms is the fact that this lower made by Anderson is mil-spec machined. What does this mean? Well, it means that they’re precision machined so as other mil-spec parts can easily be used in conjunction, with everything fitting together seamlessly.

And What About Cons?

In all honesty, there aren’t a great deal of disadvantages to owning a product like this. If we were being super-critical, then we could say that it’s quite basic, with not a lot of fancy touches.

That’s not surprising though, as what do you expect from a no-frills lower like this one? If you want a classier product, then you just have to spend a bit more. For a solid economy option though, this is one that ticks all the right boxes and performs well when shooting.

The Anderson Lower – A Solid Economy Option

At the end of the day, when you invest in an economy option, you might not get all the bells and whistles that you get with more expensive options, but it just works.

So, if you’re looking for something that will do the job properly to the extent where you know you can rely on it to protect your life and that of your family, it’s a great, savvy choice.

However, if you are something of an AR15-building DIY enthusiast, just remember that the more basic you go – like with 80% lowers – the more work you’re going to have to do yourself.

As, if the cost is going up just to get it milled, the benefit of the price quickly fades away. It all depends on what matters to you most.

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