Dressing to Boost Your Self-Esteem

Dressing to Boost Your Self-Esteem

Last Updated on October 15, 2022 by

Generally speaking, the mental health and emotional wellbeing of most people around the world has deteriorated recently, due in part to the fallout and impact from the global coronavirus pandemic, and the resulting financial outlook.

If you too have been feeling as if your level of self-esteem is lower than it should be, one small yet effective way of attempting to boost your confidence, is to dress to impress yourself (not others).

With this in mind, you can learn some simple techniques to lift your morale.

Choose Colors Which You Draw You In

The world is teaming with color! So many different shades, tones and hues, and each individual is drawn to their own specific colors, which represent them in their own unique way when it comes to getting dressed.

It is logical, therefore, when dressing in the morning, either for work or a social event, to choose clothes which most appeal to your sense of well-being – colors which bring out the best in you. It’s best to remove any garments in your closet that you may associate with having a ‘bad day’ – offer them to friends or give them to charity. All your clothes should give you the feel-good factor.

Wear What Makes You Feel Comfortable 

Another important factor when considering the correlation between your level of self-esteem and the clothing you regular wear is – comfort.

There is simply no hope of feeling confident in the outfit you are wearing, if it feels uncomfortable. For example, when you are carrying a bit more weight (most people put on more weight than normal during the pandemic) it is important to bite the bullet and buy clothing in the next size up. If you currently feel self-conscious about your legs and thighs, for example, you could invest in a couple of stunning and elegant women’s knee length skirts, which are both perfect for summer and comfortable to wear.

Remember – no one has any idea what number the tag on the inside of your waistband is! So make yourself comfortable in more accommodating clothes. It’s counterproductive to squeeze into clothing that makes you feel awkward and all the more self-conscious.

Fashion trends are so utterly short-lived and superficial – you have to be a thoroughly dedicated fashionista to spend copious amounts of your time, not to mention a tidy sum of money, keeping up with all the latest fads.

There are many reasons why you should stop trying to keep up with the expensive, impractical and sometimes downright ridiculous trends in fashion, and instead, simply choose clothes, accessories and cosmetics which make you feel comfortable and confident.

For most people, it’s impractical to be a slave to fashion. Here’s why:

  • Many fashion trends are unsuitable one most body shapes
  • Fashions come and go so quickly: before you know it, your ‘must have’ is a ‘has been’
  • Dedicated followers of fashion can never claim to be unique! 
  • Buying designer brands can leave you seriously out of pocket  
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